Chapter 8.

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When I woke up this morning I was in a better mood. No I didn't know what to make of all that's happened just yesterday. I definitely didn't know what do do about it either. But I did have a plan to make Colton realize we belonged together.

I got up early and showered as usual. I decided to put more effort in what I looked like unlike most days. Instead of my usual shorts and top I wore a light rose colored sundress.

It had thin straps and fit snug against the top half of my body making my decent size breasts look great but not in a slutty "I'm trying to hard" kinda way. From the waist down it flowed out a bit. I wore a pair of black flats to keep the look flirty but innocent.

I never really did much with my hair but decided to curl it in big wave like curls. I decided a minimal bit of makeup would be best since I rarely wore it. Some mascara and a coat of light pink lip gloss was just enough for my look.

The mascara made my brown eyes stand out more against my olive skin and the light pink lip gloss made my already full lips look great. One more look in the mirror and I was done.

I decided to get to school before everyone else could see me so I grabbed an apple, granola bar and juice to eat on the way to school. I text Danny when I was almost there letting him know I was already gone.

He was probably eating breakfast right now and would wonder were I was since he hadn't see me yet. He replied a few minutes later asking me why I left so early.

I wasn't sure I should tell him about my plan to get Colton to realize we belonged together or not so I told him I didn't want to run into Colton just yet. It wasn't  exactly a lie regardless of my plan I was nervous about seeing him.

Danny text back saying he understood and would see me at school. Because I was early I decided to go to the library. I was just scanning the books when someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind and scared the crap out of me.

Spinning around fast with my hand to my chest and a shocked expression someone stared laughing. That person happened to be my friend Paul. I slapped his arm. "That's not funny paul." I scolded. He continued laughing. "Yes it was. You should of seen your face." He said when he calmed down.

"Ass." I mumbled as I crossed my arms. He laughed lightly as he put his arm around my shoulders. "Awe you know you love me Lux." The big smile he had made me smile too. He's one of those happy easy going people.

It's always a nice change from being around intense wearwolves all the time. "Whatever you say paul." I laugh pushing him away. "What are you doing her so early?" I ask him as we go to sit at a near by table.

"I'm always here early." I didn't know he came early everyday. Maybe I didn't know my human friends as much as I thought. I needed to fix that. They were good friends and I wanted to be the best friend I could.

I mean rather they know it or not they were there when most of my pack didn't want anything to do with me. Besides Danny either they were treating me like dirt or they ignored me like I was nothing. Either way they made me feel below them.

"I didn't know that. How come?" He smiled before saying. "You know how I tutor? Well I sometimes do it before school." I don't get why he's smiling. Having to get up early to tutor someone then go to school after doesn't sound like much fun to me.

But then again I don't care for school much and Paul does. He's super smart. He isn't a nerd exactly though. He's smart and likes school but plays football and stuff too. He looks like your typical jock.

He stands about 6 foot, short brown hair, green eyes and lean muscles. Although he was a very handsome guy he couldn't compete with Colton. Maybe I was a little biased because Colton was my mate. The one person that was ment for me.

So of course no one would compare to Colton in my opinion. Ugh why does Colton have to be such a judgmental jerk? Due to me being caught up in my thoughts I just heard the end of what paul said. "I'm sorry what?" God I needed to pay attention more.

Chuckling he said "I was asking you why you're dressed like that?" He nodded towards me. I couldn't say "Oh I'm trying to get my mate to notice me more and show him he does in fact want me."  So instead I asked.  "Why do I look bad?"

Just after the words left my mouth I became self continous. Did I look stupid? I know I don't dress like this much but did I look that bad? "Oh no of course not. You just look different." He rushed to say before adding softly. "You look beautiful as always Lux."

I wasn't used to getting complements let alone being told I was beautiful. "Thank you." I couldn't help but smile and blush. It was sweet of him to say. Just then I noticed my phone was vibrating in my bag.

It was Danny calling me. "Hey Danny." I answered in a cherry tone. "Hey Lux where are you?" He asked in a frustrated tone. I wonder what that's about. "I'm in the library with Paul. Why?"

I heard a growl that made me smile. I knew it was Colton because even though the growl came through the phone it still made me shiver in delight. He must be listening and doesn't like me being with Paul.

Is that jealousy Colton? I thought. Good! "Well would you meet me at my locker?" I wondered if he wants me to for him or for Colton? But I agree anyways. I told Paul I had to go meet Danny and I'd see him in class.

When I met Danny at his locker his back was to me and he was talking to Will a fellow pack member. Will is friends with Danny but not me. He's not mean to me but doesn't say anything other the hello.

Danny turns around sensing me approaching. I'd have to ask Danny how to do that. I'm sure being at least half angel I should be able to. Unless I'm not very good at being one. Great just my luck I thought.

Danny gave me a raised brow looking curious at me. I know he's asking me why I'm dressed like this. Will gave me a small smile. Well that's new. "Hey guys." I said giving them a big smile. What can I say I'm in a pretty good mood.

"Hey Lux." Will said Eyeing me. Yup definitely new. Danny gave him a glare that clearly said "don't go there." Will stoped looking at me like that but kept the smile on his face.

I could see Danny ready to ask me what was up so I gave him a look and prayed in my head for him to wait to we are alone to talk about it. His eyes winded in shock then went back to normal before he nodded letting me know he understood.

We talked for a bit which was weird because I've never really had a conversation with Will before. But it was nice. Danny and I were heading to class when he pulled me in a different direction and out a side door.

"Danny where are we going?" I was confused by his behavior. He was being all rushed and sneaky. We got to a secluded area in the back of the school before he turned and faced me. "How did you do that?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

He must of realized I didn't because he said. "You talked to me in my head like a mind link Lux." I was shocked. How could I do something and not know I was doing it? "I did how?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know but you did when you asked me to wait till we were alone to ask you what this is all about." He said gesturing to my clothes. "Which I still want to know and seeing as we are alone. " He said folding his arms across his chest.

"Right." I sigh I might as well tell him. "I have a plan to make Colton see we belong together." I didn't like the way he was looking at me with pitty in his eyes. "Look he's my mate. While I have to much pride to beg him or anything like that I do want my mate."

He gave me a sad smile before giving me a hug. "I'm not sure I want I know details but I'm here to help however I can." I didn't want Danny to know exactly or anything just in case Colton got mad at Danny. He is soon to be alpha and all.

"Thanks Danny. Can we figure this mind link thing out after? I really don't think we should be doing that at school." He agreed and we headed to class. Which we would be pretty late.

"By the way you look beautiful today." Danny said giving me a smile. I gave him one of my own. Yeah today was going to be a good day.

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