Chapter 3.

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After getting showered and changed into dark wash jean shorts, a deep red colored tank top, black flip flops and throwing my hair up in a messy bun. Its not like I have anyone to try and impress.

I head down stairs to have some breakfast. Since it was still early I was hoping to be able to eat before the hungry greedy wolves came to eat. It's a much needed thing to do if you want to get food around here. It's something I've learned to do at a young age.

Standing at the top of the stairs I could smell someone cooking. It smelled like whatever they were making it was burned. Only taking a few steps I could smell a strong sent that belonged to Danny. I wasn't even near him and it smelled like I had my nose pressed up against him.

I just didn't understand what was going on with me. Then I heard a loud bang of pans and I had to grab my head. It sounded like the sound was in my head and it was making my brain vibrate against my skull.

After a minute of holding my head and biting my lip to keep myself form screaming it suddenly stoped. Taking a few deep breaths and whipping away a few tears that slipped out I continued down the stairs. I was a little worried about what was happening to me but didn't want to think about it to much.

Walking into the big kitchen of the pack house I seen Danny doing what I assume was attempting to cook. He was covered in flower as well was most of the kitchen around the stove area. Smoke filled the air due to him in deed burning the food he tried to make.

"Danny what have you done?" He spun around like I had scared him. That's impossible he's a wolf and I'm human. He probably heard me coming in minutes ago. "Lux how did you sneak up on me" He asked shocked.

"Yeah very funny Danny." I say sarcastically.  He still looked shocked and it was making me mad. "Would you stop it. It's not funny damn it!" I yelled. I don't know why I was getting so worked up. It wasn't like me to do so.

"Are you okay Lux?" He asked looking concerned. I just nodded my head rubbing my face and taking a few calming breaths. "I'm just feeling off today and I have a headache." Looking at the worried expression on his face I smiled my most convincing smile and said "I'm okay really Danny you worried to much."

He looked as though he wasn't totally convinced but soon dropped the subject. "What are you doing anyways?" I asked. He looked like a shy little boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Making my best friend a surprise birthday breakfast of course."

He was so cute and he really did look like he tried. "Awe that's sweet of you Danny." He looked back at to the mess he was "cooking" and frowned. "It's the thought that counts and I love you for trying". I say as I put my hands around him from behind and smell the sent that only belonged to Danny.

I realized the smell I smelled on the stairs was definitely Danny. It was a earthy smell and a hint of pine. But how is that possible? Hearing Danny laugh brought me out of my thoughts. He turned around and hugged me pressing me tightly into his chest. "Awe Lux I love you too."

A deep growl that I could feel go straight through me and reminded me of the black wolf from my dream last night had us springing apart and then we heard the front door slam. "What was that about?" I wondered out loud.

"Sounds like Colton is in a pissy mood." the soon to be alpha in a bad mood was never a good thing. I planed on staying out of everyone's way today. "Come on I'll help you clean up and then I'll make us breakfast before we have to go to school." I laughed shaking my head at the mess he made. He laughed too. Whatever today would bring I was okay with as long as I got to spend my birthday with my best friend Danny.

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