Chapter 11.

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Soon we were pulled over and as I looked around I seen nothing except trees. It seemed we were near some woods or something. "Where are we?" I asked Colton. To which he continued to ignore me and got out of the suv.

With a sigh I got out and followed. He walked silently into the woods. We seemed to be going deeper and deeper into it and I couldn't help but wonder if he was taking me into such a secluded area to reject me.

I mean it would make sense. No one around to make a scene and if he didn't want anyone to ever know we were ever mates this would be the place to do it. "I should of stayed in the car." I thought with a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Colton kept looking over his shoulder at me as if to see if I was still there. "I bet he wished I'd just disappear." I thought bitterly. A little further in and we came to an open area. It wasn't super big but privet surrounded by the tall trees of the woods.

It was beautiful. Tall green grass and wild flowers here and there. The sun shined down on it perfectly. "Wow." I wispered in awe. Colton looked to me with a small smile. "You like it? " He asked.

I nodded my head as I kept walking around looking at it all. I really did love it. I don't know exactly what it was. Maybe it was how hidden it was. Like it was some beautiful secret place no one knew about.

"I found this place a while back. No one seems to know about it. I come here to get away and be alone or when I need to think." He said as he layed down in the middle of it all with his hands behind his head looking up at the sky.

I'm sure he needed to get away and think about everything that has happened lately. With him finding out we are mates and how he wants to reject me, but he said he comes here to get away and that no one knows about it.

The fact that he brought me here means something. Something I'm sure I shouldn't let myself think to much about. I mean he still plans on rejecting me. Even though I know this all I couldn't help the smile that came to me as I layed back next to him.

Nothing else was said and unlike the awkward car ride this was a comfortable silence. We just enjoyed the beauty of the place and each others presents. As much as I'm touched he would bring me to his secret place I kinda wish he hadn't.

It makes me feel something I wish I didn't. Hope. Hope that he feels something other then disappointed for me. My logical side is screaming at me to stop thinking of such none sense. That it would lead me to nothing but heartache, but I just can't shake that feeling.

Laying there I could picture us together. Mating and having a long life together. All these thoughts and feeling makes me realize I don't want to live my life without my mate. Without Colton.

We were made for eachother and I just needed to show him that. Prove to him that he wanted and needed me just as much as I do him, because Colton Reed is mine just as much as I am his.

Weather he likes to admit it or not we are meant to be together. The moon goddess herself thought we were supposed to be and she doesn't make mistakes. No matter how much you think it must be, it was ment to be.

I just needed to make him realize that. I refuse to believe that he doesn't realize it too. I know some where in side of him he knows it. He's just to afraid to admit it.

Sometimes I wish I had a mate that can just excepte me the way I am and not worry about what others will think. Sure I get it to a point. Being the next alpha and all he would need a strong mate to run his pack, but I feel my feelings are not being thought of.

"Whats got you thinking so hard?" Colton's smooth deep voice brought me back out of my thoughts. He was now leaning up on one arm looking at me. How long was has he been staring at me. His intense look he had made my stomach flutter.

Sighing I threw my arm across my eyes. I decided to tell him some truth. "Just everything that's been happing to me lately." When he didn't say anything for a while I looked at him. He was laying on his back once again and had a pained expression on his face.

While I felt bad and wanted to do anything to make that look dissappear, I also felt a bit of hope at that look. Maybe he felt guilty about rejecting me and if that is so then maybe there is hope for us.

Between him bring me to a place that was special to him and how hurt he seemed over our situation I felt I had a chance to make him realize we belonged together.

I've always been the one to keep to myself and didn't like any sorta spot light on me but I figured I had to do something. It's time to put on my big girl panties and stop caring what others thought. I had a plan to make Colton see me in a different light. With a secret smile I vowed that Colton would see things my way one way or another.

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