Chapter 5.

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Danny's P.O.V.

I was sent on a stupid "pack task." By oh mighty soon to be alpha Colton Reed. Even know he wasn't exactly alpha yet he was still higher up then the rest of us so I had to obey his alpha command.

He sent me on a bogus run to the boarder "to check for threats." There wasn't any threats. I had a feeling he just made it up to keep me from something and it didn't sit well with me. As I entered the cafeteria I started to look for Luxington. Something was bothering me and I needed to find her.

I've always felt loyal and protective over Lux. She's always been a target of most of the packs ridicule all because she couldn't shift. It seemed as soon as we all turned thirteen and realized Lux couldn't shift she soon became shameful and tainted.

I never looked at her Any differently. She was always my best friend and she'll always remain my best friend. My Lux.

I didn't see any sign of her. I couldn't even sniff her out so she must of not shown up yet. I decided to go to her last class to see if she was still there. I got half way there when I smelt her. the smell of lilacs and what I could only describe was sunshine that was all Lux.

Just as I was about to turn the corner I heard Colton rejecting Lux. I couldn't help the serge of anger that shot through me. How dare he reject her. If anything she's to good for that no good alpha.

She deserved someone to love her and not what she could do or couldn't do. Someone who would except her without a second thought and not worry about who wouldn't want her because she didn't have a wolf.

I heard her say "if that's what you want then so be it but remember Colton this was your choice." Before I heard her walk away. Seconds later I heard Colton let out a growl before he stomped off in the opposite direction.

I walked around the corner to just see Lux slam open the door with a crack and was gone quickly. I ran after her calling her name but she didn't seem to hear me.

Getting to the same door she left through I noticed the cracked door frame. The door had been locked and she broke it. How the hell did she do that? I had to find her and find out what's going on. I had a feeling she needed me more then ever right now.

My wolf urged me to find her just as much as I needed to. He was overprotective of her just as much as I was. He always seemed to want to please her. It seemed to be similar to how he always wanted to please our alpha. It was strange to me but after a while I just excepted it.

I let my wolf out a bit and he led mr right to Lux as usual. She was deep into the woods next to the school. She was on her knees with her head in the hands. At first I though this was about her being rejected untill she lifted her face up towards the sky and let out a howl like sound of pain.

I rushed to her and grabbed for her. As soon as my hands touched her skin I had to pull them away. It seemed to burn me. She felt so hot like her skin should be in flames.  She let out another cry.

"Lux what's happening?" She just shook her head. The skin on her back seemed to be shifting underneath. "Oh my god Lux are you shifting?" She seemed to shake violently and her back seemed to turn bright red. "No this isn't right." She seemed to get out through agonizing sobs.

She was right I've never seen a shift like this. I've never seen anything like this. Something was wrong. I felt helpless as she curled up on the ground sobbing in pain. My wolf howled trying to come forward. I couldn't let that happen at a time like this so I pushed him down as much as I could.

Her back was still towards me. The skin on the inside of the shoulder blades seemed to stretch and looked like it was being ripped apart. I just stared unable to do anything and it tore me up inside.

One minute Lux's back looked like it was being ripped form her and the next thing I knew she had two big red wings coming out of her back. I gasped shocked at what I was seeing. She sighed and seemed to calm down.

"Oh my Lux you... you have wings." I couldn't help but reached out and touched them. They were that softest thing I've ever touched. The moment I touched them I was filled with this calm yet happiness.

She sat up and turned to me. "Oh your eyes are so blue Lux. Like pale ice blue. So beautiful." I said in awe. She gave me her famous Luxington smile. "I just don't know what happened Danny. I feel so... good." I couldn't but help smile at her happiness.

"You look good too Lux. I don't understand what this is." I  gestured to her wings. "But whatever it is I'm happy for you and I'll always be by your side." She smiled once again. Then it fell. I was about to ask what as wrong before she answered my thought.

"I've always wanted to be one of the pack and now that I have changed I'm this. I'll still be a outsider amongst you wolves." She said with a sigh. At that moment I had two thoughts one my wolf seemed to pledge himself to not only be there for Lux but protect her with his life and two I realized what Lux was.

"Lux you're an angel aren't you?" The second those words left my mouth I knew it was true. She turned to me an spoke in a wisper "please Danny you can't tell anyone. Promise me please?"

She seemed desperate and I  couldn't denie her that request even if I wanted to as my wolf spoke for me "you have my word luna." She seemed shocked and I did a bit too. I remembered she was Colton's mate and because he was gonna be alpha soon that made Lux soon to be luna.

She seemed to realize this too "shit" She said and slumped down to the ground. I don't know what was going to happen now but I did know one thing I was gonna be there for her no matter what.

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