Chapter 13.

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I was in a long white dress that was embellished with lace. It made me feel beautiful and elegant. Way to elegant for the middle of the woods. Which is where I seemed to be. I was standing deep into the woods that is part of the packs land. I was looking at my reflection in the pond. Admiring the beautiful dress I was wearing. As I ran my hand over the soft fabric I could swear I've seen it somewhere before, but couldn't exactly remember.

"You look just as beautiful as your mother did when she wore that dress." A voice said softly from behind me. It made me jump not knowing I wasn't alone. Looking to the man that spoke I realized it was the angle from my last dream. Am I dreaming again? It feels real enough. Unlike our last encounter this time there wasn't any fancy light or anything, but he still looked just as threatening as before.

After getting over my fright he's words sunk in. I looked down at the dress I wore and realized it was indeed my mother's dress. I remember when I first seen it in my mother's wardrobe. I told her it was the most beautiful dress I had ever seem. My mother said one special day I'd wear it. I remember laughing before saying it was to beautiful for me. That it was a dress made for a princess.

My mother looked at me with a sad smile before telling me that no matter what anyone ever tells me, someone will come along rather it's a wolf or a human and they will love me regardless. That someday I'd wear this dress and I'd be as beautiful as any princess could ever be. I had believed her at the time, but as I got older it was hard to keep believing my mother's words when so many others was telling me other wise.

"This was my mother's dress, but how did you know?" I asked this mysterious angle. "How do you know so much?" He just stood there with a sad smile. "Oh my dear I wish more then anything that I could tell you everything, but the truth is it's just to dangerous to at this point." He said looking as torn as anyone I've ever seen before. "I'm very confused, but whatever your trying to say I believe your being honest with me so I won't hold it aginst you." I said trying to make it easier for him somehow.

His sad smile turned to a breathtaking one and I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face even if I tried. "Why do you seem to show up when I'm feeling the most helpless?" I asked with a tired sigh looking to the pond. I could see his sad expression reflect in the water. "My sweet dear I'll always be here no matter if you know it or not. Always." He spoke softly as if he was saying a vow. I knew some where deep down that every word he spoke he ment and some how those words were comforting. "Are you suddenly here because of what I am?" Even though I asked the words I already knew the answer.

"I've always been around. I'm making myself known to you because it is time my dear." He said softly as if he regretted something. What that something was I don't know. "Everything has always been hard for me and it doesn't seem like it is going to get easier." I said feeling like I could tell his angel anything whoever he is. He rested a hand on my shoulder and gave in a light squeeze. "I know my dear and for this I give my upmost apology." He said voice full of regret and face full of sorrow.

Taking a step away from him I gave an accusing stare. "Why would you be sorry for that? What do you have to do with it? Who are you?" I asked in a rush. I felt as if one of those answers was right in front of me, but I couldn't quite get my brain to see it. The more I tried to figure it all out the more my head seemed to hurt. "Please calm my dear. I would never intentionally harm you." He tried to reassure me as a wave of warmth covered me but for some reason I felt the urge to fight it.

"Stop it! Stop whatever your doing I can't think!" I yelled trying to back away further from him. He held up his hands palm out to me as if to say he ment no harm. "Please calm my dear little one. If you continue to panic they will come and I will no longer be able to stay." He said in an urgent tone. As I was about to ask who he was referring to he cut me off.

"It's to late. Please my precious dear little one listen to your instincts. Only trust those worthy of your trust." He rushed out as he was backing away. Things seemed to be getting darker. "I'm sorry. Wait don't go!" I yelled out to him, but it was no use he seemed to fade into the dark. All of a sudden it was to dark to see and I was confused, cold and alone.

Suddenly I was being shaking awake. "Thank you finally. You scared us half to death." I opened my eyes to Danny standing about a foot from me. As I looked around I realized I was out side in the woods near the very pond I was at in my dream. "What am I doing out here?" I asked rubbing my head seemed if it would get rid of the pounding in my head. "Thats what I'd like to know." The voice that spoke didn't come from Danny, but from Colton who seemed to be cradling me to his chest.

I tried to sit up and put some distance between us but Colton wasn't having it. He let out a warning of a growl and I stopped struggling. "He's been kinda freaking since we couldn't find you in your room. Might want to let him take stop time to realize your okay." Danny spoke in a low tone as if he didn't want to draw to much attention to himself. Of course Colton heard with his wearwolves hearing and growled low in his chest. Even though I couldn't see his eyes I knew it was Colton's wolf.

I wrapped my free arm around his torso. "Colton I'm fine really. I'm not hurt or anything promise." I tried to let him her the reassurance in my voice. After a few minutes he seemed to relax. When I tried to sit and and he let me I knew he had finally calmed down. Looking at him I could tell it was Colton who was now in control. "What are you doing sleeping in the woods Luxington?" Colton said to me as if he was scolding a child.

Feeling offended by his tone and the way he was treating me I stood whipping the dirt and leaves from me before crossing my arms. "I don't know. Maybe I was sleep walking." I said in a defensive tone. "Sleepwalking?" Colton asked as if he wasn't so sure he believed me. Which I just narrowed my eyes at him insulted then he would think I'd lie.

With a sigh Colton relaxed. "Fine let's get back to the pack house and get ready for school. We're already going to be late since we had to come looking for you." He said sounding annoyed. To which I replyed "Well you didn't have to, I'm fine." I walked off towards the pack house as quickly as I could trying to get away from him before I did or said something I'd regret.

"Yeah well what kind of alpha would I be if I didn't make sure a member of my pack was safe and alright." His words had me stopping. Colton kept walking a head of us. His words weren't so reassuring seeing as he didn't say he wanted to make sure his mate was safe and alright, but that was okay for now because he acknowledged me as his pack member and I guess that was a start. With a smile on my face I went back to the pack house to get ready for school.

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