Chapter 12.

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On the way home I had a feeling of determination. I was determined to make things work between Colton and I. I could tell him that I'm not exactly human. I could tell him about my wings, but I wasn't sure it was the best idea. Part of me was scared what would happen if I did.

He could look at me like I was wrong. Like I shouldn't be here because of what I am. He could think worse of me then he does now. If he is so determined to reject me because I'm different and not seen as fit to help lead the pack then how can I trust him completely.

Not knowing what could happen to me if people found out what I was held me back from telling him. "Danny." Was all I heard him say. I was to busy in my head I wasn't paying attention to him talking. "Sorry what?" I asked.

He just kept looking at me and then to the road. Probably wondering why I wasn't listening. "I said so you and Danny?" I just stared at him. He thought I was with Danny? I guess someone could think that with how much time we spend together and we are really close.

The more I stayed quite the more he seemed to get mad. His hands were squeezing the steering wheel so hard his fingers and knuckles were turning white. "No. Danny and I are just friends. Best friends." I said trying to reassure him. I knew I could just let him think that we were more because it would serve him right, but I couldn't do that to Danny.

"You sure? I mean you two seem really... close." I almost laughed. Big bad almost alpha Colton Reed sound awfully jealous. It made me smile. Maybe he does care for me. At least a little bit. "I mean I love Danny..." That's all I was able to get out because the car swerved. All of a sudden Colton was almost on top of me.

His had was squeezing my arm a little bit to tight that it made me hiss in pain. He quickly realized and his grip loosened but his hand remained on my arm. He eyes where completely black showing his wolf was present. I reached up with my free hand and placed it on his cheek. I knew he felt the same warm tingles that I did.

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths trying to calm down. "like family. I love Danny like family." I said emphasizes the word family. He stared into my eyes as if to see if I was being honest. He must of seen what he was looking for because his eyes when back to normal before he nodded and sat back into his seat.

Pulling back onto the road and continuing home he roughed out a "sorry." I didn't know what to say so I just nodded and looked out the window. It all made me wonder how I could keep Danny in my life if Colton was there too? Would Colton always react this bad to Danny's and my friendship?

I couldn't loose Colton but I also couldn't loose Danny either without feeling like it would kill me. Just those thoughts made me want to curl up and cry. I don't know how I managed it but I held it together all the way home. We didn't talk the rest of the way. I was glad though. I didn't think I couldn't without cracking.

We pulled up to the pack house and I darted from the car. I just needed to get away before anyone seen me brake down. The helpless feeling was growing inside of me. I rushed past everyone not caring that I probably looked crazy. Those who seen me running from Colton's suv probably thought that I had a silly crush on him and he turned me down. I probably looked pathetic to them. Maybe they aren't to far off.

I slammed my bedroom door closed and locked it. My breathing was ragged but it wasn't from running. I felt the panic seeping in. Just when I thought I was strong and could handle it all something would come and prove me wrong. Sliding down the door I pulled my knees up wrapping my arms around my legs I let it all go.

I softly cried till there were no tears left. I picked myself up showered and changed. I still looked like crap but I didn't care. I climbed into bed and just layed there. My mind was racing to much with the what if's and how come's for me to sleep. The more I thought about everything the more I felt helpless.

Suddenly my cheeks where wet with more tears. I guess there was more after all. I curled up into a ball and cried. Over the years I've learned to be a silent crier. Living with wearwolves who could hear through walls as if you were in the same room you just had to.

Seeing as I was just a no good human to them I got picked on severely by some of them. I learned quickly not to let them see me cry. It only made me look weaker to them then they already seen me as. Over the years I've cried many times but I've never felt quite like this.

Maybe it was because when it came down to it I knew Danny would always be there. Just the thought of him not being there had me feeling like a piece of me was being ripped from me. If it came down to me having to choose Colton who's my mate. My other half or Danny who's been there for me through everything and not only loved but excepted me when so many others don't I don't know what I'd do.

How could I chose? It feels like choosing one side of myself and letting the other side die. How could anyone even ask me to do such a thing. A silent sob racked through my body and for the first time that I've cried in this house I felt like letting it all out no matter who heard. I don't know when I stopped crying or if I did only because I fell asleep but soon I was out dreaming peacefully.

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