Chapter 2.

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It was dark and I found myself deep into the forest by the pack house I've been living in since my mom died. I seen a glow up a head and it seemed to draw me in. I couldn't help but feel the need to be closer to it as I kept walked.

The closer I got the more happy I became. Like everything was going to be right again. Like whatever was the cause of that glow was the answer to all my problems.

I was only a few feet away when I realized it was a man that was radiating the soft white glow. I squinted to get a better look. He looked so familiar yet I couldn't quite say how I knew him.

"Who are you?" I asked in just above a whisper. He Simply smiled but said nothing. That smile looked like I've seen it many times but couldn't quit recall. "Perhaps you've seen it in the mirror." He said in a voice that seem to sound angelic.

I stared confused. I know I heard him clearly but I didn't see his lips move. My eyes gone wide as I gasped. "You're talking to me in my head? How is that possible? I'm no wolf so how?" I rushed to ask.

He smiled again but still made no attempt to explain. "What are you?" I asked in a shaky voice. I wanted to take a step back but couldn't seem to make my feet move. "No need to be frightened of me dear. I mean no harm." He said once again in my head.

The way he said it made me want to believe him but I was still cautious. He seemed to be able to tell what I was feeling as he steps more forward and the glow seemed to dim a bit.

What I saw had me shocked. He was very tall towering over my small frame. He was as muscular as any alpha wolf. He wore what looked like armor a worrier would wear and had big deep red wings. He stood there tall and proud but also like he was ready for whatever came at him.

"Are you.... Are you an angel?" I wispered afaid someone might hear us." He smiled but didn't confirm what I thought. Seeing as he wasn't going to answer my question I asked the next that come to mind. " What do you want?"

He looked sad for a moment and I had an urge to comfort him. "I came to see you my dear." I was confused once again. I couldn't help but think "Why me?" But of course he seemed to hear my thoughts.

"Because you're special Luxington." I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry Mr. But I think you have the wrong girl." He just shook his head no. "I assure you I'm nothing special. I'm reminded of that daily"

A look of beyond anger took over his face and he looked like he wanted to kill someone. Not wanting it to be me I took a step back. Seeing the reaction I had to him he took a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke.

"You Luxington Knightly are special. You're one of a few who are like yourself. But because of reasons I'm not able to discuss at the moment what you are is a danger to you." I was beyond confused now.

He continued in a rushed tone. "I don't have much time. There are those who will be against you but some will be loyal. Trust your instincts and be safe." I wanted to ask him so many questions when we heard a howl come from the distance.

"My time with you must come to an end. Just be safe my dear. All I've ever wanted was for you to be safe." He touched my cheek with the tip of his fingers and it felt like warmth that seemed to be filled with what I could describe is love.

I've never felt such a thing and as soon as his hand was gone I felt empty once again. I could hear pounding of paws hitting the ground and vicious snarls getting closer and closer. Turning around fast to see a big black wolf leap through the trees towards us.

I shot up straight in bed breathing heavy and covered in sweat. I was scared. I don't know if I was scared for the wolf, the angel or myself all I know is that I was scared.

I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and when I went to open my door I realized it wasn't locked. That's when I realized someone had been in my room. I wasn't a wolf so I shouldn't be able to tell who it was by smell but somehow I smelled a smell that seemed familiar.

I walked around my room sniffing the air trying to find out what that smell was. It was very intriguing. Like the forest on a rainy day. It was strongest near my bed. As I stood next to my bed I realized that spot was warm like someone had been sitting there.

I was confused and a little weirded out. Shaking my head thinking it has to be because of my carzy dream I headed to take a much needed shower. I wasn't sure what was going on but one thing I did know was I had a feeling today was gonna be a difficult day.

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