Chapter 17.

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Just as I was about to make the best or worse decision I could make right now the new guy dropped his smile. With a sigh he spoke shaking his head as if I was being a silly kid. "Do we really have to do this?" He asked as if there was another way and there wasn't because I would of taking it. I stayed quit refusing to answer his obviously stupid question. He just stared at me as if he knew what I was going to do next. Just as one of my feet moved to take a step back his moved to take a step forward at the same time. Maybe he did know.

I moved my other foot to take a full step back and so did his at the exact same time. Okay I think he definitely knows what I'm about to do. How can I run from someone who knows what my next move is going to be? I began to look around to figure out what my next move should be. I almost asked him since he seemed to know before I did. He smiled big as if he heard my thoughts. "How the hell is he doing that?" I wondered.

"Ask me." He wispered low. So low I'm sure even a wearwolf would have to strain to hear what he had just said, but I heard him perfectly. "What the hell is he?" The thought had me realizing we were now the only two people left in the hall. His teasing smile dropped as he rose an eyebrow at me. "You're kidding me right?" He asked me in the same low whisper. I wasn't sure how to answer that seeing as I wasn't exactly sure what he had meant by it so I didn't say anything at all. "You're not. Damn it." He spoke in a normal volume voice now.

One moment he was standing about an arms length away from me and the next he was standing right before me with his large hands wrapped around my upper arms as if to shake me. I didn't even have enough warning to let out a squeek. In the blink of and eye he had moved, but I didn't see him move at all. He was so close I had to strain my neck to look up at him. "Did he get bigger?" Just as the thought formed another tagged on the end. "She doesn't even know. Poor thing." I could of sworn it was my thought only it wasn't. It didn't feel right and that's when I realized it was the new guys thought not mine. I gasped in surprise. He suddenly let go of me as if I had scorched him. Without hesitation I turned and ran just barely getting away as he grabbed for me.

From just about every horror movie I've ever watched I knew to never run up stairs. I mean common sense told you the bad guy was more likely to get you there. So being the smart thinker I am. I ran out side into the back of the school where the old football field is. Where it was empty because no one was supposed to be back there. See smart thinking and yes that was sarcasm. There was so much open space with no where to hide.

With his much longer legs he should of caught up with me and he almost did as I felt his hand start to wrap around my forearm. Maybe it was my panicked state or maybe it was the adrenaline or a combination of both, but I slipped from his grasp and curved running to the left trying to make it back into the school. I needed people. People were safe.

I was so close to the door we just came through. So close I could feel the cool metal of the door handle in the palm of my hand. Just as I reached for it I was slammed from behind smaking into the door instead. My forehead banged aginst the door making me see stars. My vision wavered and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground. "Did I pass out?" I tried to sit up when a heavy rough hand pushed me back down. "Easy you hit your head pretty hard." The deep voice was sung rather then was spoken. "I wonder why?" I said in a sarcastic whisper. "Why was I whispering?"

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt." His voice was like slik, but rough like wool at the same time. "Right. That's why you were chasing me." I said trying to push his hand away to sit up, but he barely moved. My limbs felt sluggish and heavy. As if he realized he slowly helped me to a sitting position. "Well you ran from me, what was I supposed to do?" He asked as if I were the slow one. Was this jerk for real? His laugh made me think he heard my thoughts.

I wasn't sure if I wasn't thinking clearly because of banging my head so hard or what, but this close to him he looked so familiar, though I know I've never see him before. With is size and build alone wasn't like many people, but it was his smile that was the most unforgettable. It was breathtakingly beautiful and I could swear I've seen it before yet I know I haven't. I was confused and my head hurt pretty bad. Just as the thought formed the new guy raised his hand to my head inspecting my now throbbing head.

His long fingers lightly touched me making me hiss in pain. "Shit sorry." He said quickly pulling his hand back. "You're already healing, but you probably have a concussion still." At his words I reached up to feel where I had it my forehead. Just by feeling it I could tell it problem looked pretty bad. It felt pretty swollen and wet. Pulling my hand back I seen blood. "Shit." Eyes wide I quickly pushed my hand aginst the wound to stop the bleeding making me grit my teeth through the pain.

Quick so quick he pulled my hand away. I looked at him in shock. Did he want me to bleed to death? As if reading my mind he rolled his eye and explained. "I told you you're already starting to heal. You're no longer bleeding, but you still have a pretty nasty bruised lump." I sighed in relief. With a tilde of his head the new guy stared at me as if he was trying to figure me out. It made those warning tingles come back. Quickly trying to stand had me stumbling nearly falling in till the new kid grabbed my upper arm to steady me. "I'm fine." I harshly told him pulling my arm from his grasp. Maybe it was a little rude of me, but I wouldn't need help to stand if it wasn't for him in the first place.

Placing a hand to the uninjured part of my head to clear the foggy feeling, he asked me a question that caught me off guard. "How come you arn't healing faster?" Did he know think I was a wolf or did he know what I was? "Of course I know what you are, our kind can always sense one another." He spoke in a "duh" tone. I looked at him in shock. "Our kind?" Just as I asked the question a loud bang came from behind us. I spun around to see what had happened and there stood a seriously pissed off Colton. Eyes flashing and nostrils flaring he stomped towards us. I turned to tell the new guy to leave because for some unknown reason I didn't want to see him hurt, but he was no longer there. Looking around I found nothing. He was gone as if he han never been there. "What the hell just happened"

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