Chapter 19.

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Falling asleep next to my mate was the most comforting thing I've ever experienced and waking up seeing him not there was the worst. Sometime between the time we fell asleep and now he had snuck off without me even knowing. I knew I shouldn't of expected him to still be here when I woke up, but I was foolish enough to hope that he would be. Breathing deep I pushed the tears back. I was tired of crying. Besides I knew when Colton finally rejected me I'd cry enough for a life time. I took my time standing up slowly not sure how my body was going to react since everything that happened yesterday. When my head didn't spin and my stomach didn't roll, I figured it was safe to move normally.

I decided to find Danny and talk to him about what had happened yesterday. I knew he would be worried since I had came home early. Hopefully Colton would of explained why to him, but you never know. As I raised my hand to knock, the door opened reveling a concerned looking Danny. I gave up asking him long ago how he always knew I was at his door even before I knocked, werewolves just had a strong sense of smell. He was looking me over to make sure I wasn't harmed in any way. When Danny's eyebrows pinched together I knew he sensed something had happened. I assume Colton didn't tell Danny anything or at least not nearly enough. "I'm fine Danny. No need to worry, I promise." With a nod of his head he ushered me inside.

Danny's room mate Ryan wasn't here so it was just the two of us. We sat on his bed with our legs crossed facing each other. It's how we sat when we were gossiping or talking about deep stuff, ever since we were kids. It started because Danny said he needed to see my eyes when we talked about serious stuff, so he could tell exactly how I felt. If we were talking about the kids bullying me he need to tell if I was lieing or not. I never wanted Danny to get involved and end up getting in trouble, so I would always tell him a much better version of what really happened between the other kids and I. I always assumed that because I wasn't right out lieing about the incident, that was how I was able to get away with my fibbing, but with everything happening with me lately I'm not so sure of that now.  Werewolves can usually hear a lie, but I guess even as a kid I was the exception of that.

Only two places in the pack house were completely soundproof to the many werewolves that lived here in the pack house, the alphas bedroom and the alphas office. Seeing as we weren't in either we sat close to one another and whisperer as low as we could. I began to tell Danny everything that had happened yesterday. "Wait, what? I can't hear you." Danny looked as confused as I felt. I felt like I was whispering as I normally would. I could hear myself talking, so how come Danny could not. "What about now?" I said raising my voice a little louder. When he nodded his head I wondered if being whatever I am makes me have better hearing then a werewolf. I made a mental note to finally test that theory out more later.

I told Danny everything that had happened to me yesterday. The whole time he stayed quit as I told him everything. Although his mouth said nothing, his facial expressions spoke a thousand words. They went from concerned, to confused, to angry and then back to concerned, when I had told him Colton slept beside me last night. Sensing I didn't want to talk about Colton spending the night with me, he focused on the other thing concerning him, my head. Even though I had told him I was fine Danny's eyes ran over my every inch of my face and when he seemed to not be satisfied with that, he ran his fingers over my head as well. "It's fine. It's heald already and don't ask me how because I don't know."

He gave me a disbelieving look. "Of course you do Lux. Just admit it, you're an angle and you must have some pretty nice healing abilities." When I couldn't meet his eyes he continued. "Why is it so hard for you to admit?" By the tone of his voice I could tell he was getting frustrated with me. Still not looking at Danny I told him why. "Because sense the day I didn't shift I was told I'm nothing, that I'm unworthy, that I'd never have a mate and that's how it would always be. I suddenly wake up one day and find out that might not be true, is just hard to swallow."

When Danny's eyes had softened, I knew he was going to try and comfort me. For the first time ever, I didn't want him to. When I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back he realized this too. A look of hurt came over, him making me feel terrible. A headache began to come on out of no where and an ache began to grow in my chest. I didn't know what to rub first. When Danny's head hung low making the ache in my chest turn to a sharp pain, I knew it was somehow because of Danny's obvious hurt. Suddenly I felt a mix of confusion, hurt and shame. I knew deep down they weren't my own feelings, but in fact Danny's. I couldn't focus on why I could feel what he was feeling as if it was my own, not when the need to make him feel better was so strong. Reaching out I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in my much smaller one. "Danny I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I didn't mean to hurt you."

When his eyes met mine I made it a point to not look away. With a deep  breath I continued. "I don't want to change. I'm afraid of what that means for me. What could happen." This time when his eyes softened and I knew he wanted to comfort me, I didn't shy away. When he realized I wasn't going to, he pulled me into a tight hug, making the pain in my chest ease untill it stopped all together. When he pulled back, he seemed to be back to normal, all hurt gone. "Why don't you want to change? I know your scared of being different still, not being a wolf, but this could be good for you. Even if it means you'll become this bad ass angel and won't need me anymore."

Even though his last words where said in a teasing way I know somewhere inside him he really felt that way. "I'll always need you Danny, no matter what happens." I looked him straight on and tried to let him feel how honest my words were. When he gave me a big smile I knew that he had felt how true it was and his eyes darkened showing his wolf had came forward. His wolf eyes showed something I've only seen after the alpha praised him or her, pride. I made Danny's wolf Proud. In that moment I knew Danny's wolf seen me as someone he held higher above everyone else. He saw me equal to an alpha. I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried by that fact or what that meant for Danny and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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