Haunted (Part 1)

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Drake's P.O.V

My ears are ringing. My vision is blurry. My heart is racing. My lungs feel empty. It's hard to breathe... I faintly hear someone calling my name.


I feel myself being shaken and suddenly I'm snapped back to my senses. I'm greeted with Mike's concerned expression. I breathe heavily, struggling to batch my breath, then hear some sort of alarm. Then a red light starts to flash all over the security room.

"What is that?" Mike asks.

"I...can't breathe."

"Oh shit. The ventilation system!" Mike says.

He then runs to the other side of the room and presses a few buttons on the tablet. After a second or two, the alarm and flashing stops and I manage to breathe again. I then feel my body being wrapped up in a hug.

"God fucking damnit Drake, don't fucking scare me like that!" Mike exclaims holding me tightly in his arms. I wait for my vision to return to normal before realising that I'm on the floor and the chair I was sitting on is laying on its side a few feet to my right. I then notice the purple glow radiating from my eye.

"Damnit, the cameras are offline. Just hold on." Mike goes to the tablet on the left of the room and presses a few more buttons before coming back to me and hugging me again.

"Mike...what happened to me?" I ask him. He lets go and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"You just shouted something, and the next thing I know you're flying backwards out of your chair and on the floor. You looked like you just saw... I don't know, something. But whatever it was, it scared you." Mike explains.

"I...I saw Chica..." I mutter, my hand still tightly holding on to my shirt.

"Chica? You mean one of the animatronics from the original Freddy's?" Mike asks.

"No, no she...she looked different. She was discolored, desaturated, she looked like she had fucked up looking stripes going down from head to toe, kinda like a watermelon...and her eyes. They had no color in them at all..." I mutter sporadically.

"Drake, you need to calm down. Listen, I don't know what you saw but I'm pretty sure it's only in your mind." Mike says putting his hand on my cheek. My heart rate slows down at his touch.

"Y-Yeah, you're probably right. Let's get back to..."

I glance at the camera. Foxy is standing in the hallway of cam 5. He's looking at the ground and his shoulders are slumping. Then his head slowly lifts and he looks right at the camera, at me. His eyes light up, then thecamera glitches for a second. Suddenly...Foxy's gone.


The alarm and flashing start up again and that feeling of breathlessness starts to hit me again. I gasp for breath as Mike rushes to the tablet to the left again. I stare at him and a desaturated, transparent figure catches my eye. I turn my head to it and feel the colour drain from my face.


He lunges at me, his screech echoing throughout the office. I close my eyes tightly, helplessly, screaming, expecting to be killed by the fox, but instead, the flashing and the blaring alarm stop once again and I feel hands planted firmly on my shoulders. I open my eyes and see Mike staring at me with an expression of concern and horror.

"Okay Drake, what the actual fuck is happening?" He asks. I try to speak, but the sudden shock and terror stops me from saying anything. Then, Shawn and Michelle burst the office door.

"What's goin' on in here?" Michelle asks.

"What's with the screamin'?" Shawn asks, clutching a wrench in his hand.

"Nothing! Nothing. We're fine. Drake just thought he saw something on the cameras, that's all." Mike says quickly.

"Oh my god, you had me thinking someone got hurt." Michelle says walking up to me. She kneels down and looks at me worriedly. "You okay?"

I just nod my head in response, still unable to speak. She sighs before standing up and looking over at Mike with a concerned expression before walking back to Shawn.

"C'mon, we should get back to work." She says walking out. Shawn walks over to Mike and whispers something to him. Mike puts his hand on Shawn's shoulder. With that Shawn nods and leaves. Mike helps me up and into the chair.

"What is happening to me?" I mumble to myself, holding my head up against the table.

- - -

I'm startled by the 6 AM bell, finally signalling the end of the night shift. The rest of the night went smoothly. I didn't get jumpscared by any of those...things I saw, and there only malfunctions that we experienced were for the camera and audio systems. I sigh a breath of relief as I reached the main area, where everyone was waiting for me and Mike.

"Hey, there you two are. We've been waiting for you." Raiden says, hands on his hips. I chuckle.

"Did you guys hear someone screaming earlier? Creepy." Robin says.

"Sorry if I scared you guys." I mutter, scratching the back of my head.

"That was you!?" She asks.

"Yeah. But it was just my mind playing trichs on me. It's been a long night." I lie.

"I know how you feel Drake, I miss my bed." Raiden groans.

"Hold on Raiden, you have to do a final check of the building." Michelle says.

"What? Why me?" Raiden complains.

"Wait, a final check?" I ask.

"Yeah, the boss wants the nightshift workers to go around and check the attraction and make sure it's in good condition before it opens the next day." Michelle explains.

"And since there's like six of us, we figured that we should take turns to do the final check." Shawn adds.

"Oh, that makes sense." Mike mutters.

"And it just so happens that the first night is my night to to the check. Just fucking great." Raiden groans.

"Relax Ray-Ray, I'll wait for you in the car and then drive you back home." Robin says walking out the door.

"Me and Drake are gonna head home." Mike says holding my hand. "We'll see you guys tomorrow night."

"Alright. See yous tomorrow." Shawn says.

I'm then led out the building by the hand to the car. I climb into the passenger seat tiredly and Mike in the driver's seat. He starts the car and drives us home. The ride is silent, apart from he yawns and the sound of other cars passing by. We get to our apartment and I head to the shower.

After ten minutes, I walk into the bedroom in my white tanktop and shorts to see Mike already asleep in the covers. I yawn then climb into the covers next to him and close my eyes. The images of those things I saw earlier, of those, ghosts, for lack of a better term. The way Chica and Foxy looked compared to the original versions from the old pizzaria keep me from sleeping. But after a minute I finally manage to push those memories aside, allowing myself to fall asleep soundly.


I'm back. This chapter took me longer to write than it should've, sorry for the lack of chapters and for casually returning after going on hiatus for a month. But during that time I've been planning a few chapters ahead so I at least don't have to worry about writer's block. Anyway, that's it for now. I hope you all enjoyed reading, see you all in the next chapter.

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