"keep your friends close, but enemies closer"

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"What the fuck guys" he looked generally offended that I was here.
"You said we needed a sub, we got you a sub" Dustin smiled at him waving him over.
"When I said I needed a sub, clearly, I didn't mean her" he darts me a look and scoffs.
"Well I'm here get over it Eddie I can't be bothered with your bullshit"
"Oh yeah you're loving this aren't you, can't get enough of me. You probably jumped at the chance"
"Well, Eddie, I wasn't actually informed that YOU were going to be here. I don't know if you've noticed or not yet, but the world doesn't revolve around you"

He rolled his eyes and barged past me entering the house, shoving a large 'hellfire' teeshirt into my chest. the rest of us follow him down into the basement. There a group of boys were all sat in a circle waiting for us. I throw the tee on over my clothes that I was already wearing.
"Welcome" one of them said looking around at the group. We started the game, we were loosing, Eddie couldn't stop making little comments and jabs at me the whole time. Somehow we were seated next to each-other, I'm sure Dustin was doing this on purpose, trying to torture me.

"Don't mess this up Miller" he whispers in my ear as I go to roll the dice. This roll was to save his life within the game,
"personally I hope this kills you Munson" I look over my shoulder and smirk at him, only to find he was already smiling at me. I roll the dice, a six, he lives.
"Thanks god for that" Mike says while Dustin is cheering and chanting my name.
I look over my shoulder again and see him grinning at me - god I loved his smile, not that I would admit that of course. I smile at him "you're welcome".

The game carries on, we are now drawing with the other team.
"Right that's it team talk" Eddie says "time out guys" I turn my body to face his, and the other team mates begin gathering around pushing us closer, he drops his arm around my shoulder to pull the group in closer.
"Everything relies on this last roll guys" he looks around "who should do it"
I look around, Dustin gestures towards me " she saved you earlier, maybe she's our lucky player" he suggests.
Eddie turns his head towards me "it's beginners luck, and can we really risk everything on a newby?"
I look at him "I'm not a beginner"
He looks shocked and slightly parts his lips "what do you mean?"
"Yeah, didn't you know? She basically trained us" Mike looks between me and Eddie.
"No I didn't know" he says curiously "well, I guess that solves our little problem, Jess will you do the honours" he hands me the dice, I take it, looking into his eyes.

"Let's make this more interesting" Dustin looks at us and grins "she wins you have to personally invite her to hellfire club"
"Fine" I look over at Eddie shocked.
"Yes, if you win, which I doubt, I will personally invite you into our group of freaks"
"Okay deal" I smile at everyone else, Eddie raises his eye brows at me.
"Good luck" he whispers in my ear in a more sarcastic tone.

An even number is needed to win, I take a deep breath shaking the dice between the palms of my hands. Everyone watches as I throw the dice and it rolls across the table, I close my eyes, and when I open them I see everyone jumping and cheering. I look on the table, a 4, I smile at the number as Dustin and Mike jump to give me a hug either side of my body.
"Welcome to team Hellfire Jess, you're officially a freak" Mike laughs and turns to look at Eddie.
Who is stood with his arms crossed around his chest, barley being able to look in my direction.

"Go on then" Dustin kicks Eddie who throws him a frustrated look.
"Clearly I wasn't expecting this outcome, but I am a man who is true to his word" he walks in a circle rubbing his eyes in frustration. "Well Jess, would you like to stand up here"
I get up and walk over to him, "I officially make you a part of Hellfire"
I turn away from him and smile. If I'm being honest this couldn't have happened at a better time. Do I like Eddie? Not at all. However do I like eddies friends? Yes. And final question, do I have any other options at the moment? No. So if I'm a Freak so be it.

I turn back to Eddie and smile at him "all your dreams came true, how do you feel?" I tease him
"You know the saying, keep your friends close, but enemies closer. Well that's exactly what I'm doing"

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now