"I don't have anything on underneath it"

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The sun blares through Eddies windows onto my face, waking me up. His arm is still wrapped tightly around me and my makeup is smudged on his shirt - I hope he doesn't mind.
I move slightly, he opens one eye, clearly not a morning person. I smile down at him as shifts slightly closer to me.
"Morning" I say wiping his hair from his face.
He opens one eye again and says nothing but smiles. I sit up and lean against his headrest, playing with his hair. He slightly moves his fingers rubbing my waist.

"I should probably get going in a minuet" he keeps his eyes closed and groans, which makes me laugh a little. I don't want to leave, but I should.
I try to move away out he pulls me back, eyes now wide open and his smile is mischievous.
"Not so quick" he says laughing. I try to wiggle away out of his grasp but he keeps pulling me back. He is how leaning over me, hands each side of my body. His necklace hangs between us, and his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips, he licks his slightly and breaths heavily.

"Eddie I-" I breath heavily as his face comes closer to mine, he closes the space between us once again. This time it's passionate but still aggressive, we stop every few minuets to take a breath but the gap is closed again. He softly bites my bottom lip, then begins to kiss down my chin to my neck, he carries on kissing down my arm to my chest where he rests his chin and looks up at me. I brush my hand through his hair and look into his eyes.

He rolls over away from me, almost as though he is trying to stop himself.
"You should go" I look over at him
"What?" I question
"I said go" I get up and grab my jeans from the floor, throwing them over my shoulder I walk out of his caravan and down the road. WHAT THE HELL, I scream in my head. Who does he think he is?
My anger is back, I still hate him, my emotions were messed up with the whole Jason situation causing me to become delirious. I storm down the long roads and get to my house where I sneak up to my room as though I had never left in the first place.

I sit on my bed and burry my face in my hands. I'm still wearing his stupid trousers. I slide out of them and run myself a hot shower, letting the water run down my face I sigh.
I look in the mirror at my reflection, why am I so stupid, I throw a bar of soap at the wall in anger and let out a squeal.
Fuck this shit.

I run to my room and try to find the hottest outfit I can. If I'm going to be treated like shit by these boys I'm at least going to look hot while they do it. I pair a small black skirt with the "hell-fire" shirt, just to piss him off that little bit more. I put on a slight bit more makeup then what I usually do, including a little bit of Smokey eyeliner. And let my loose curls down. I look in my mirror and smile.

Confidently I walk out the house and to school. When I get there I can again feel everyone's eyes on me, but this time I don't hear the whispers of my name paired with Eddie or Jason, but I hear my name along side various complements. I look at my timetable - english. I'm slightly late so I walk into the classroom in-front of everyone.
Instantly I see Eddies eyes fall onto me, he keeps a straight face but I can see that it's bothering him. To rile him up that little bit more I wipe down the shirt before taking my seat with a smile.

The class is long, I'd rather be anywhere else but here. When the bell rings I stand up and begin putting my books into my backpack. As Eddie walks past, like the petty bitch I am, I drop my pen and bend down to pick it up. He does the same and looks at me when I grab it.
"What the hell do you think you're doing" his expression is the same angry one I'm used to.
"Oh you mean the shirt, yeah sorry I didn't have much time to get ready this-morning." He looks at me and somehow his expression grows angrier
"if your that bothered I can take it off, but I don't have anything on underneath it" I smirk at how speechless the boy who never shuts up is.

I stand up grab my bag and walk out the class, on my way to chemistry. He grabs my wrist from behind me and practically pushes me into the lockers.
"Do you have a problem Eddie, because I really don't have time for this right now"
He looks me up and down, "slut" he says under his breath.
I roll my eyes and try to walk past him, but he is a lot bigger and stronger than me.
"Let me go Eddie I need to get to chemistry"
He moves slightly away from me allowing me to walk past him.

I carry on down the hall and into my chemistry lesson, the lesson is slow and I'm counting down the minuets to lunch. Eddies trousers sit in the bottom of my bag and he better believe that I'll be giving them back to him.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now