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The lunch bell rings, and I make sure to leave a few minuets late. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, checking my makeup and flashing a smile at my reflection.
I walk out and head to the cafeteria, the usually spot, I go and sit down in the only seat left, again next to Eddie. Perfect.

I flash a smile at him, and look over to Dustin and Mike "hey guys" I still don't know the other hellfires that well And if I am being honest they don't seem as Interesting as the others so I'll stick to the friends I have.

"Hey Jess, how have you been" we have some general chitchat, before I turn to Eddie.
He was already looking at me, "oh yeah, I forgot" I pull up my bag and reach into it pulling out his trousers. He looks down at them and back up to me quickly pushing my hand back into my bag.
"Don't" he warns me, which only makes me want to do it more.
"Don't you want them back?" I question looking at him with a fake confused expression.
"No not here" he looks around at the table, no one has taken any notice. His hand is still on-top of mine in the bag. His grip around my wrist.
"When else will I see you though Munson? We aren't friends so it's not like I'd see you outside of school"

He scoffs at me pulling the bag back down to the floor.
"I don't wear them anyway, keep them"
"No, no I couldn't possibly" I go back down to reach for the bag which only makes him angrier, he grabs my arm stands up and drags me alongside the bag out of the room. Into the quiet hallway.
"You really need to stop playing these stupid games Jess"
I look at him "what do you mean, I thought you would want your property back?"
"You know exactly what I mean, if a single person finds out about last night" he wipes his forehead furiously "I'm warning you"
"Nothing happened last night" I throw the trousers at him, he grabs them.
I turn away from him walking in the opposite direction.

That evening is surprisingly uneventful, I use the night to take care of myself, apply a Face mask, have a bubble bath and relax.
I've been caught up with all this boy drama recently that I need some time to myself.

As the pop-tarts jump out of the toaster my mum walks in.
"Hello darling"
I turn to her and smile
"Hey mum are you okay?" I ask giving her a hug.
"Yes my dear, I feel as though I haven't seen you in such a long time"
"Yeah sorry mum, boy drama"

She frowns at me "you know you can talk to me" she smiles and rubs my shoulder. I know I can talk to her, but I don't want to, it creates bigger problems than what I need.
"Yeah I know mum, me and Jason broke up"
She sighed at me and gave me a sympathetic look.
"I'm so sorry"
I shrug give her a hug and head back upstairs. I know she means well, but sometimes I just need my own space and not to be smothered by her.

The rest of the night is peaceful, I listen to some music, and read a few chapters of a book, before falling asleep.

The next school day is also uneventful, that is until lunch of course. Today I am back in my comfort clothes of jeans and a jumper - it was a little more cold on this day then it had been.
I walk to the table and take my now usual seat.
"Hey Jess" Mike says "you coming to the D&D match tonight?"
No one had mentioned it to me, and I can see Eddie kick Mike from under the table.
"What?! She's part of the club now she should be invited to this sort of thing" he shrugs at Eddie.
"I'm sure she's busy anyway, aren't you Jess"
I shrug "I have no plans" I smile at him before turning away "I'll be there give me the address"

Later that night, I slip on the hellfire teeshirt with the jeans I'd been wearing all day. I tie up my hair, and put my headphones on before pressing play on my walkman and heading out the house. I walk a few steps and realise Eddie is walking ahead of me. He carries on walking for a while and then turns around and sees me, so stops and waits for me to catch up.

"You don't have to come you know"
"Hm?" I say removing my earphones "what did you say?"
"You don't have to come"
"Have you ever thought I might want to come?" I question raising my eyebrows at him.
"Pretty Popular girl who follows trends wants to come to a freak nerd tournament?"
I laugh slightly
"Awh you think I'm pretty"
He huffs and rolls his eyes.
"I enjoy the game Eddie, and it takes my mind off everything"

We carry on walking until we get to dustins house.
"I'm picking him up on the way" Eddie says, It's kind of sweet how he looks after Dustin.
"Okay I might aswell walk with the two of you"
He knocks on the door and Dustin appears
"Oh hey guys what are you two doing together"
"She's stalking me"
Dustin laughs and walks past us carrying on down the path of his house.
He looks back and wiggles his eyebrows, which makes me laugh a little bit eddie seems offended.

Eddie runs up infront so he is walking with Dustin and they mess around and play fight the whole way to the venue of the tournament. We walk in, and the room is dark, I assume in purpose to bring the game to life.
I look around and the candles lit, a shiver crawls up my spine. I look around to Eddie and mouth "what the fuck". He shrugs and smiles, "shall we begin?" He says in such a loud voice it makes me jump.
There's a murmur of yes's throughout the room and we begin playing.

The game goes on for a good few hours and we win. Hellfire cheer and hug each other, while the other team grunt and complain to one another. Eddie hugs everyone, he comes up to me and throws his arms around me, clearly the adrenaline has kicked in. He pulls away and looks into my eyes holding my arms. But snaps out of it when Dustin pounces on his back and screams.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now