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He picks me up, sitting me on a cold marble counter which lies at the back of the trailer.
"Fuck" he says under his breath as I move my hand down to his crotch. Knowing that anyone could walk in any minuet we have to make it quick, not wasting time.
I unbutton his jeans, but he stops me.
"I want to please you" he whispers into my ear, kissing my neck and moving his hand down to my crotch.
I let out a moan, kissing him back as he unbuttons my jeans and lifts me so he can remove them, my jeans don't even hit the floor but hang on my ankles.

He runs his finger down to my pussy, his rings are cold and hard.
He smirks, licking his fingers. He slips his hand into my underwear and begins to rub my clit in a circular motion.
He kisses down from my neck to my thighs stopping in-between my legs. He smiles up at me before biting the seam of my thong and pulling it down with his teeth.

"You're so hot" I say smiling at him.
He travels back up my body kissing my neck he gets to my collarbone where he begins to kiss, he carries on rubbing, and sticks two fingers inside of me.
"Fuck" I moan into his ear, as he sucks my collar bone leaving a hickey.
Not stopping, he is still pumping his fingers in and out of me, whispering into my ear "you're perfect".
I can feel my walls clench as I become close, my vision goes white and I roll my head back in pleasure, gripping his shirt. He grabs my face with a little force angling it so he can watch me.
"Fuck" I moan again as he begins to kiss me passionately. I finish with his fingers still inside of me.

"You're a freak" he whispers before removing his hand. I smile at him barely being able to breath let alone talk.
He helps me pull my underwear up and buttons my jeans for me.

We casually walk out the trailer and into the shop as though nothing had just happened. In there I look around still a little breathless. Eddie slides his arm around my waist guiding me towards various spears and sharp objects which he fills the trolly in front of us with. I look at the guns hanging on a wall.
"I want one" I say smiling up at him. He laughs and looks at me "whatever you want I'll get" he grabs a gun and some bullets which are on a shelf nearby.

I see dustin and wave him over.
"Got everything you-" he cuts me off
"Eddie get out of here" he says panicked, I look at him confused "JASON" he says, I look over at Eddie, I can see panic in his eyes.
"Come on" I say pulling his arm "dustin bring our stuff with you please" he nods.
I spot Jason, "go, I'll distract him"
I walk over to Jason and glance back at Eddie.
"Fancy seeing you here" I say crossing my arms.
"What are you doing here"
"Could ask you the same question"
"I'm here to get a gun"
"Why's that?" I question knowing his answer.
"I'm going to kill that Munson kid"
I furrow my eyebrows at him "why"
"He killed Chrissy, him and his stupid-" he looks down at him shirt "wait a minuet" he says grabbing my arm, "you're part of that freaky little cult"
"Let go of me Jason" I try and pull my arm away but his grip tightens, "I SAID LET GO OF ME JASON" I scream in his face.

I can see Steve walking over, "have we got a problem here?" He questions looking at me "could you do me a favour bro and let go of the girl?"
Jason turns around "what are you going to do if I don't?" He's cocky.
Steve sighs "I don't think you want to know what I'd do to you mate" he pats his hand onto Jason's shoulder.
Jason pushes my arm down and storms past me, knocking my shoulder as he does so. Steve throws his arm around me and we quickly walk out of the store. We are the last ones to arrive at the trailer and the engine is already running. Steve starts to drive away as I go to sit down.

"Are you okay?" Robin asks looking over at me. I rub my arm, I can still feel Jason's hand on me. "Yeah yeah I'm fine" I look down at the floor.
"What did he do to you?" Eddie looks at me, he has a worried expression on his face.
"Nothing, he just grabbed my arm, it's fine Steve came over and got him away from me" Eddie looks at Steve and then back at me.
He gently runs his finger over my arm and lifts the sleeve of my shirt up slightly, my skin is still red.
"I'm going to fucking murder him" Eddie practically jumps from his seat and begins pacing around the moving trailer.
"Stop it Eddie it's fine" I grab his hand and pull him back to his seat "let's sort out Vecna first and then Jason after, okay?"
He nods but I can tell he is still angry, I can see Robin staring at the two of us and I can practically see Dustin's grin without having to turn to him.

We pull up in a field which looks like the middle of nowhere. Everyone begins to exit the trailer taking all the gathered materials and weapons with them. I grab some wooden sticks alongside a pocket knife.
I follow dustin and Eddie to a tree trunk and sit on it. I straight away begin to sharpen the stick ready for Eddie and Dustin to create their shield-like weapons that they want.

"Make enough for three" dustin says beginning to poke holes in the dustbin lids.
I carry on sharpening the pieces of wood, throwing them over to Eddie once they are done so he can assemble the weapons.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now