"you're irresistible"

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I wake up, look over at Eddie who is still completely naked laying in my bed.
I lightly tap him, he's clearly not a morning person, because again he doesn't answer with words, but just groans.
He opens his eyes a little and smiles "I thought it was a dream" he says quietly.
"Oh so you have had dreams about that?" I question laughing
"No comment" my eyes widen at him, he pulls me closer against him and begins to play with my hair. I lean down and kiss his forehead, he pulls my neck and kisses my lips.

"We should get going" I sigh down at him
"Five more minutes"
"We can't get caught freak" I sit up and stretch, before standing up and pulling one of the hellfire teeshirts over my head. Instantly Eddies scent fills my nose from the teeshirt. I pull up my jeans and throw eddies clothes ontop of him.

"Come on hurry up" I say pulling his arm up. He gets dressed and sits on my bed, I grab one of my old scrunchies and sit behind him tying his hair into a bun. I forage through my wardrobe trying to find an oversized hoodie, or something with a hood, and find a zip-up hoodie. I throw it over him, "put that on", he does what I say, turns to me and gives me a kiss.

"I'll go make sure the coast is clear" I walk down the stairs looking around, mom has gone to work so I shout up the stairs "COME ON" he runs down.
We leave the house and head towards the woods where there is a short cut to Steve's house. When we get to the house, Eddie stays low trying to stay out of peoples attention.
I knock on the door and Nancy answers wearing one of Steve's teeshirts, I raise my eyebrows at her, she laughs. Eddie runs through and sits on the couch.

"So what's the plan?" He says looking at Steve and Nancy.
"Well we need to kill vecna, and I think we have figured out how to" Nancy's says "vecna uses his mind to get into peoples heads, rather than his physical body" I look at her
"So what?"
"So if he is in Max's head, his physical body has no protection, meaning we can go and kill him."
"But what about max?" I say looking over to her "what will happen to max"
"It's fine Lucas will stay with her, if things go wrong we will put her headphones back on, but we should be able to kill him in time that everyone will be safe"

"So we have to go back down there?" Eddie questions standing behind me.
"Yes, but we need weapons, we will be prepared this time"
"I know a place" Eddie butts in "where we can get weapons, it's outside of Hawkins so we, I, should be safe"
Steve nods looking on the map where it is.
"It's massive, it has everything, guns grenades all the good shit"
"How's that legal?" Someone questions
Eddie shrugs.
"How are we going to get there? We haven't got a big enough car"
"I have a idea" Eddie leans his arm on my shoulder
"You have a car?" Steve questions
"Well it's a van, and technically it isn't mine, but it will work" he smirks at Steve who nods "okay"

We all follow Eddie out to annother trailer, he climbs through the window and unlocks the door for us all the get in. When we are in there he begins to cut several wires.
"Where did you learn this?" I say looking over his shoulder
"Well when you were learning how to ride a bike or go swimming, I was taught how to jump a car" I nod
Robin pushes past me, "you know I'm not really sure I like the idea of you driving Eddie" he turns around to Steve
"Oh I'm starting this sucker, Steve's got the rest, don't ya big boy" he laughs and carries on, the engine starts and Steve hops over the chair beginning to drive the van away.

There aren't enough seats for everyone so I let the kids sit down and I stand, but Eddie pulls me down to sit on his lap.
"What's going on with you two" dustin says kicking eddies leg, I decide to let Eddie answer that question
"What? Nothing" I'm kind of disappointed in the answer but it's not like he's my boyfriend so I ignore the comment.
His hand rests on my thigh, and his grip tightens when we go over a bump in the road. I look back at him and he smirks. I look down at his lips, if no one was here, the things I would do to that boy.

I turn away and look out the window, we pull up to a huge wear-house.
"Here it is" Steve says pulling up to the side of the road.
"It's massive" dustin says with his head against the window.
"Yeah" Eddie smiles.
"So what is the plan?" Robin questions folding her arms.
"Meet back here in say 30 minuets? That's enough time right?" Steve asks
"Yeah more than enough" I reply
Everyone begins leaving and I try to stand up but eddies grip around my waist tightens.
"Not so fast" he whispers in my ear, I look over my shoulder and smirk knowing exactly what he is thinking.

"You guys not coming?" Dustin says looking at us
"Yeah we are, um, just making sure the coast is clear first, if it's not come and get us we will leave in 3 minuets" Eddie lies.
"Okay" he runs out the trailer and through the doors of the building.
I turn to Eddie, "you're irresistible"he whispers.
"I haven't stopped thinking about you Eddie" I say straining his cheek with my thumb.
I lean into him, kissing him roughly. Clearly not all the tension had been released yet.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now