"Hey? HELLO? Chrissy"

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I put on a jumper tonight over my Hellfire shirt that is now attached to me, knowing how cold it gets at night. I throw my hair up into a bun and run out the house towards where Eddie lives.
I get there a little early do decide to just knock on the door to see if he is in.

The door opens and Eddie smiles signalling me in.  I step through the door and am shocked to see Chrissy stood in the center of the room.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to intrude" I say quickly "I can go"
"no don't worry I'll be leaving in a minuet eddies just getting me.. something" she looks around.
"Oh okay"
"Yes I'll go and find it now" Eddie runs to his room and it sounds like he starts frantically looking around.
"I'm sorry for earlier by the way, I'm not sure what came over me" 
"Oh it's okay"

A few minuets pass and suddenly Chrissy goes into a trance like state and her eyes roll back.
"EDDIE" I scream "HELP"
He comes out smiling with the drugs in his hand.
"CHRISSY?" I scream
"Chrissy? Chrissy hey chrissy" he says frantically shaking her and tapping her body.
"Chrissy wake up, I don't like this chrissy wake up"
I look at him terrified, he looks back at me quickly then turns his attention back onto the girl.
"Hey? HELLO? Chrissy"
Somehow her body begins to levitate into the air and is thrown into the roof.
"JESUS H CHRIST" Eddie shouts. Running back to me and holding me behind him. I burry my head into his back and begin to cry out of pure terror.

Not looking at the flying body, I can hear bones cracking and Eddie begins to scream.
He turns and pulls me into him holding me tight.
"What the hell is happening Eddie" I say looking over at her. There is now blood falling from her eyes, she no longer looks like chrissy, she looks broken.
The body falls the the floor creating a large thud, me and Eddie stand holding each-other staring at the body.

"What do we do?" I say after a few minuets.
"Leave, you need to go home I need to get out of here, they are going to blame me, but you you don't need to be involved." he frantically begins to run around the caravan. I stand motionless not being able to move.
He picks me up and puts me softly into the passenger seat of his car.
"Eddie I'm coming with you" he looks at me but carries on driving to my house
"No, no no" he mumbles "you have to stay"
I listen to him "you aren't getting the blame for this Eddie, no I'll tell them, I'll tell them the truth."
"Miller they aren't going to believe you."
"I will make them" I start to cry again and hold my knees close to my chest.

He throws his arms around me tightly "it's ok, you're safe now, you're home" I nod and look at him. He takes off his guitar pick necklace and puts it around my neck.
"Keep it safe for me okay?" I'm not sure why he is giving it to me but I will, I'll keep it safe forever. I pull him close to me and kiss his cheek.
"I'll save you, you won't get the blame for this"
He pushes me back slightly looking me in my eyes.
I get out the car and walk up to my door, he speeds away into the night. I don't go into my house.
I find myself running to Dustins house and knocking frantically on his window. I'm not sure what a child could do to help me but I know I can trust Dustin.

Dustin comes to the window and looks at me, "are you okay?"
"No I need your help" I say climbing into his house.
I explain everything that has happened and he doesn't seem as surprised as what I was expecting.
"Okay so we need to tell the others"
He then explains about his friend eleven and her powers, how this isn't a new theme in his life and how he is going to help.
He grabs a radio that is sat by his bed "code red" he says into it "I repeat code red"
He looks at me "it's going to be ok Eddie is going to be fine"
I hold on tight to his guitar pic that hangs from my neck.

We are running to Steve's house where everyone has already gathered. Nancy grabs me and hugs me tight, so does Steve and even robin.
"Are you okay?" They all ask looking at me.
"No" I reply bluntly.

I have to explain to them everything that happened again. Go through it again, every time I close my eyes I can see her face her broken face. I brush through my hair with my hands frantically and find myself rocking.
"We need to find him" I look around the circle "we need to find Eddie"
"We will, have you got any idea where he would be?" Steve asks rubbing my back.
"No, no but we need to find him" I get up and begin pacing around the room. Everyone just stares at me they should be finding a way to find him.

"Let's get some sleep, have a clear head, and then begin sorting this mess out" Steve suggests to the group.
I look at them and shake my head "No"
Nancy grabs me and pulls me tightly in for a hug. I begin to cry in her arms and fall to the floor. I'm so scared and the only other person who knows what I'm going through is currently missing.

I don't sleep, I can't, every time I close my eyes I relive what I have just witnessed. My head is spinning, I need to find him. I also need to figure out what happened to Chrissy and why.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now