"It looks better on you"

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A few days go by me and Eddie have now left the shed, due to the fact that Jason found out where it is and he is pissed, and we are currently hiding out In Steve's house. This is when we hear that max can now hear the chimes if a clock. Just like both Chrissy and the other guy before their deaths. Max is a little freaked out but I mean who wouldn't be. And she is now handing everyone letters to open. Incase the worst does happen. Which at this precise time does seem likely. But I don't want to admit that to her.

"Here" she says handing me a letter, I wasn't expecting one seeing as I don't even know her that well. But the last few days we have become friends I would say.
"Why are you?-" I question and she butts in "I want the chance to say goodbye to everyone, and this way it's guaranteed "
My heart my breaks for the girl. She is so young too young for this.

She turns to Steve "I need to go to Billy's grave, and to my mom"
"Yeah yeah I'll drive you of course" he turns to us "probably isn't the best idea for you guys to come with us are you okay staying here?"
"Yeah man go ahead" Eddie answers "do you want to go with them? Get a bit of fresh air?" He whispers to me.
"No I'm not leaving you"
He smiles and me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Why are you doing this Miller?" He says after a few moments.
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you sacrificing your life outside of these four walls to sit with me days on end"
"You're the only person who knows what I have been through this past month. And honestly you aren't the worst company"
He smirks at me
"Well you are freak" he says pushing my arm.
"Oh, oh really? Because I can just leave if that's what you want" I laugh and stand up, beginning to walk away. He grabs my arm and pulls me back and then pulls my waist down. I fall ontop of him, and laugh even more.
I'm now sat in his lap and I look up at his face, I stroke his hair and then his cheek.

He pulls me up to him and kisses me, it's gentle this time, his hands are still gripping my waist. He picks me up and spins me so that it's easier to get to my lips. I'm straddling him at this point, hee stops kissing me for a second and just stares at my face. Then he kisses my neck and begins tugging my jumper up revealing the hellfire shirt I have been wearing all this time.
He smiles at me and carries on lifting the jumper off of my head. His hands rest on my waist for a second while he takes in what I look like, his hands slide up my shirt.

He pulls the shirt off revealing my bra, alongside his necklace. He looks down at his guitar pick which lays on my chest , he bites his lip while smiling and looks up at me.
"It looks better on you"
He kisses my neck once again but travels down to my breast this time, kissing his way down to my stomach. At this point he has practically lead me across the floor. But his hands still rest holding me up from my back.

My breaths get deeper, as he slides his hand down to my jeans.
"Is this okay?" He asks me
I nod my head and manage to get out a "yes" He carries on unzipping my jeans and pulling them off, lifting me so that he can throw them aside like the rest of my clothes that are now scattered across Steve's floor.
"Fuck" he says looking at me and then looking back up at me.

I tug at his teeshirt "your turn" I say quietly looking him straight into his eyes. There is no hesitation he practically rips his shirt of and throws it, I look at his body, his tattoos, I hate to say it but the boy if perfect. I stroke my finger from his lips down to his abs, and smile.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull in in for a kiss, I can feel how hard he is from just me sitting on his lap. As I go to unzip his jeans, we hear a car pull up.
"Shit" We both say in unison looking at each other. He helps me stand up and I go to get his Hellfire shirt and throw it at him and then pick up mine and throw it over my head. He slides my jeans towards me and I slip back into them. I leave my jumper on the floor next to me and quickly run my fingers through my hair.

We laugh and he pulls me in for another hug, I kiss him softly on the lips and I can feel hun smile as I do so.
"Does my hair look okay?"
"Jess it always looks perfect" he says softly under his breath. I smile at him, "I guess yours always looks nice as-well" I roll my eyes and he tickles my stomach.
"You're a freak" he whispers
"So are you" I whisper back.

The door opens and they return Nancy and robin are here aswell, they are frantic. Catching us up we learn that music can stop 'vecna' (as dustin has nicknamed it) and that max is a clear target for him. We have also realised that it is vulnerable people that he targets. And that's the "upside down" has something to do with it.

"Shit" I say looking around at them "is there anything we can do to help" I look at Eddie and he looks around to everyone.
"Well actually yes, and it's out of the public eye so there's no reason for you to hide out here" Steve shrugs

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now