"THE Steve Harrington"

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I didn't realise how cold it had gotten outside and of course didn't bring a jacket. The cold air hits my skin and I begin shivering. Eddie looks at me,
"What? I'm cold" he rolls his eyes
"You should have brought a jumper or something"
Dustin looks between the two of us, and raises his eyebrows.
"Guys just admit you like eachother"
I laugh at him "what? Where have you gotten that idea from"
He looks at us and furrows and his eyebrows "it's obvious, the way you guys look at eachother"
I look over to Eddie who is already looking at me
"Bull shit" Eddie says looking away.

Dustin shrugs walking down to the entrance of his house
"Bye guys"
"Bye Dustin" I shout over to him waving
"See ya tommorow Henderson"
Me and Eddie carry on down the road.
"It's sweet you know" I say looking up at him
"What is?" He questions looking down at me.
"You, I mean, how you treat him" I point back to Dustin's house.
He smiles looking down at his feet "the boys had a tough life, I want him to know he's got me"

I smile at him, "I didn't know there was this side to you"
"You never gave me the chance to show you this side" he looks at me with a almost broken look in his eyes.
"Anyway" he says in a fake cheery tone "let's get you home and in the warm." He throws his arm around my shoulders and begins running down the road laughing. I wish he was alway last like this with me. Maybe we could actually be friends, but it doesn't seem likely.

We get to my house and I turn to him
"Will you be okay walking home?" He smiles at me again, so much smiling this evening.
"Yes I will be fine"
"Okay, thanks for walking me home freak" I say pushing his arm jokingly.
"You're welcome freak" he slightly pokes his tongue out, putting his hands in his pockets, and rocking back on his feat.
"Well...I better get inside" I look into his eyes, they are brown, beautiful.
"I guess so.." he says still standing there, but he removes his hands from his pockets and puts his arms out. I look at him and step forward. He wraps his arms around me and rests his cheek on my forehead. I can feel him breathing, hear his heartbeat.

The warmth of his body warms me, and his breath touches my skin. His hand moves and strokes the back of my head, landing on my neck. I close my eyes, this is nice.
I pull away from him, I really want to kiss him. But I cant, his hand stays placed on the back of my neck and his other resting on my hip. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but I don't let him. I move away turning towards my house.
"See you tomorrow" I say looking over my shoulder
"Yeah tomorrow"

I close the door behind me and cannot contain my smile, I hate to say it but I like it when he is like this, actually nice to me.
I look over and see my mum stood staring at me with her arms folded against her chest.
"Who was that?"
I look at her "no one"
I walk up the stairs and into my room, looking out my window I see Eddie walking away, I just want to get my Polaroid out and take a picture but I can't, that's creepy. I don't know where these emotions have come from, it's almost as though they have been taken out of thin air.

The next day I wake up and get ready for school. I find myself wanting to look good, look good for him. I walk to school today, in a unusal happy mood.
My classes don't go as slow as usual which I'm surprised about. I run up to Mike when I see him
"Hey Mike" he turns around and when he realised it's me he smiles "oh hey Jess how are you"
We carry on just chatting for a little while as we walk to the cafeteria.
I sit down and wait for Eddie to arrive but he doesn't.
"Where's Eddie?" I ask the boys but they all shrug not seeming as though they care.

I carry on my day, it's boring, I got ready for nothing he won't even see me today. When I get home I decide to go on a walk around the neighbourhood, i see Nancy across the road and wave at her. She's with Steve Harrington, we used to be really good friends aswell.

I walk across the street when they see me and hug Nancy. I haven't seen her in so long but it feels natural.
"Hey nance, how have you been" I say smiling "Hey Steve"
"I've been good Jess, how are you doing, I heard about Jason" she gives me a sympathetic look but I just shrug "I saw it coming"
I turn to Steve and notice another girl stood next to him. "Oh hey I don't think we have met, I'm Jess Miller"
"I'm robin" she smiles at me "you probably don't recognise me but I'm in band"
"Oh yeah totally I've seen you around" I lie, I was so consumed in being popular I didn't care about anyone around me "just never properly met you know?"
I can tell that she was happy with my reply.

"Oh hey, you hang around with that Eddie Kid don't you?" Steve asks.
"I suppose so"
"What's he like? Dustin talks about him all the time. Well I mean actually he talks about you a lot aswell. Guess it was just a matter of time before we all met up"
"Well he's certainly a handful, but, to be fair to him he looks after Dustin so" I shrug.
Steve smiles "yeah, I can't help but feel jealous"
"No no, don't worry, Dustin doesn't stop going on about THE Steve Harrington. You're his idol"
It's true he does like to mention Steve a lot and how much he loves him. Steve can't contain his smile at my comment.
"Well I'll leave you guys to it, Hopefully see you soon?"
"Totally!" Nancy says giving me annother hug before a walk off.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now