"shut up freak"

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Everyone begins to wake up when the sun shines through Steve's windows.
"Morning" Nancy says hugging me again. I smile at her, "morning"
"Did you manage to get any sleep?"
I shake my head biting my lip and playing with the necklace.
"My life has completely changed in the past 10 hours Nancy , And I'm scared" tears fill my eyes once again.
"I know, I know" she rubs my back and stands up reaching her hand out "come on, time for food"
"I'm not hungry" She pulls me up anyway and drags me into the kitchen.
"Ugh there's nothing in here, of course there's nothing it's Steve" she mutters "looks like we will have to pick up something later"

I walk around, looking through Steve's house, it's not what I imagined. Steve walks up to me "we will find him" I smile at him - it's fake.
"I know"
I sit on his couch, and continue to play with his necklace that is hung around my neck.
"I think that maybe me you and Steve should go and see if we can find any leads to Eddie" robin says pointing to Dustin. "And Jess, Nancy and max can hang here?"
Nancy nods "ring as soon as you find out anything"
I don't say anything, I want to help find leads, but I know they won't allow that so I stay sat.

"Hey I'm max" max introduces herself "I'm sorry it's not the best circumstances to meet but" she shrugs.
"I'm Jess" I look at her "I heard about Billy, I'm so sorry"
I can see in her eyes that she is broken "he was a hero" I smile.
We turn on the tv and watch it, trying to take my mind off of everything. After a few hours the phone rings.
I look over to it as Nancy gets up and answers.
"Hello... yeah... okay that's great... okay.. no I think you should pick Jess up on the way. She needs it"

I stand up and run over to Nancy "is it Eddie?"
Nancy nods, I instantly grab my shoes and tie the shoes laces. The car pulls up and I hop in the back.
"Hurry" I say smiling over Steve's shoulder.
"Put your seatbelts on" he says looking in the mirror.

We pull up to a broken down shed in the middle of nowhere. I look at it and sigh, holding a box of cereal tightly, he's going to be starving. I walk behind the others as they open the door. The room is cold, dark and dusty. The only light that shines through is from a little crack in the wall.
"Where is he" I whisper
Steve picks up a oar and begins hitting the boat. Suddenly Eddie jumps out of nowhere with a broken glass bottle and puts it up to Steve's neck.

"ITS OKAY EDDIE" dustin says, he turns to look at him "we are on your side" he looks around the room, "I swear on my mothers life" dustin says calmly. Everyone begins mumbling that they swear on her life aswell.
"Look-look this is robin, you know she's in band" she plays a air trumpet as if she's trying to jog his memory.
"And-And Jess" he turns to me and instantly drops the bottle. I run up to him and practically jump into his arms squeezing him tight. He grips me as if he is never going to let go. I cry into his shoulder and stroke his hair.

"It's okay Munson, it's okay" I look at him and I speak fast because I have so much to say "i explained everything that happened, and, and they know all about it. They have a friend she has powers and." he stops me from speaking by grabbing my face with both hands "I was so worried about you Freak" he smiles down and me and kisses my forehead pulling me back into his chest. "Are you okay?"
I smile at him "now I am"

"Here" I hand him the cereal and he smiles, he sits down on the floor and I sit with him as he stuffs his face with the dry flakes. I giggle at him "looks like you haven't eaten in weeks"
He smiles his mouth full "shut up freak"

"Guys I don't want to make your situation any worse" I look up at Steve who is stood over both of us "they're blaming you" he looks at Eddie who shrugs "thought they would" I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh, "I'm scared" I whisper to Eddie.
He looks down at me "I'll protect you with my life" he says looking at me with a serious look in his eyes.

"What do we do from here?" Steve questions "shall I try and contact Nancy on the radio? Get her down here?"
"Yes I think that's where we should start, I'll go home and grab some food for Eddie"
"I'm staying here" I say to them looking over to them "I want to stay with him" I point to Eddie and everyone nods.
"Okay we will be back as soon as possible stay safe and keep down"

Everyone leaves but me and Eddie. I sit next to him, we say nothing for a while. He turns to me "what have our lives turned into?" He questions looking in my eyes.
"I don't know, but I'm just happy we are alive"
"I don't know what I would have done if it was you" he strokes the side of my head. We are there for a few hours alone, I manage to get some sleep now I know that Eddie is here with me. I can't believe I went from hating him to this in under a month.

Steve, luca, max and Dustin return holding bags of food and drop them on the floor.
"Okay so Nancy went to write a report on what has happened, and while she was there the same thing happened to her colleague"
My eyes instantly dart to Eddie "so they know he's in the clear?"
"Well, not exactly, they are still blaming him because it happens so close to his home"
Eddie rubs his eyes and leans his face onto the palms of his hands.

"There is one good thing to come out of this however, robin and Nancy have gone to investigate at the library" I roll my eyes surely nothing has ever happened like this before, why would they bother.
"Have they found anything?" I question
"Not yet"

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now