"I hate loving you"

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Eddie and Dustin play fight once we had finished making our weapons. They share a cute moment where Eddie told Dustin to never change. I love this side of Eddie, he has a cold exterior but on the inside he is sweet. I can't help but think Eddie is worried about today, I am as-well. I run over and join in play fighting Eddie
"pick in someone your own size Munson"
"Fine then I will" he says practically jumping on me pulling me to the ground.

Everyone begins to gather in a circle, I grab one of dustins shields alongside a dagger that Lucas had made. I smile at everyone "so what's the plan"
Nancy looks at Steve "me Robin and Nancy will go to vecna and kill him, while max let's him into her head."
"I think I can hide in a different memory, I mean it is MY memories after all"
"Lucas and Erica will go with her, just in case anything happens. And then you three will cause a distraction." He looks at us "you're just a distraction and you will get out of the upside down as soon as the bats come anywhere near you, okay?"

We drive back to eddies trailer knowing there is a doorway into the upside down there. Steve goes first, followed by Nancy and Robin and then the three of us clump in after.
"Stick to the plan, we don't want to loose anyone today. Got it?" Steve says sternly
Eddie nods "you're the hero's Steve not us" I wrap my arm around eddies waist as the groups begin to split up.

"Good luck guys" I shout back looking over my shoulder. I go to begin walk away but Eddie pulls me back and wraps his arms around me.
"I need to tell you something" I look at him confused "incase, you know" he frowns at me moving my hair away from my face slightly. "I didn't think I would ever like you this much, but" he sighs looking down at me "I love you freak"
I kiss him "I love you too freak" I whisper looking into his eyes "but nothing is going to happen, we will be fine. Fancy going to the movies this weekend?"
He laughs "only if I get to pick the movie"
I nod and hug him before catching up with Dustin. He's carrying a huge speaker alongside eddies guitar.
"I really hope this works" I sigh.

We set up the instrument on top of eddies van, that way there is easier access back to Hawkins.
"Let's do this for Chrissy" Eddie looks over at me, grabbing his guitar pick from my neck, he gives me one last kiss before taking his position.
"They're ready for you Eddie" dustin shouts, Eddie let's out a sigh before strumming his guitar.

My heart beats at an extreme rate. He plays for a few minuets, I can see the bats begin to fly towards us.
"10 more seconds then we have to run" dustin shouts over the blaring music. 10, 9,8,7... I count in my head.
"5!... 4!, .... 3!" Dustin shouts, he gets to two and I begin running at Eddie grabbing him away from his guitar "LETS GO" I scream pulling him behind me. He swoops me up into his arms running to the door and throwing me in, he makes sure Dustin is in there and safe before entering himself.

I pull them both in and hug them tight, a tear falls from my eye out of relief. However this may have been too soon, a bat manages to get into the van. I hit it with the spear, pushing it down to the ground before stamping on its head.
"The vents" dustin says "are there any more vents" eddies eyes widen running around blocking off all the vents.
"Get out" he screams "dustin climb the rope" I help push dustin up and into the portal. Before turning to look at Eddie. He hugs me and kisses me before lifting me up into the hole.

"Hurry up" I say reaching my hand out, he goes to take it but turns "EDDIE" I scream "IM NOT KIDDING MOVE" he looks up at me. He throws his necklace up through the door before saying,
"I love you" he cuts the rope and begins running out of the trailer.
"EDDIE" me and Dustin scream together, trying to find more bedsheets and whatever we can tie together to create a rope.
"Hurry dustin, we have no time" I say emptying a drawer onto the floor "fuck this" the panic and adrenaline kicks in and I just jump down. Hitting the floor on the other side, I slice my leg on the knife I dropped earlier, but I don't care, all I care about is him.

"Stay there dustin" I run out and can see the bats surrounding Eddie. I run as fast as I can up to him, but my leg is in agony and I have a slight limp. I watch as his body falls to the floor and scream.
"EDDIE" he turns and looks at me smiling.
I collapse next to his body
"YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT MUNSON" I scream in his face tears falling from my face.
"I didn't run this time" he puts his hand on my face and I kiss his head.
"We need to get you a ambulance" I say looking at his blood covered body
"I'm okay Miller" I look at his eyes, and pull his body on-top of mine.
"Stay with me Eddie stay with me" I look at him "we have a movie to catch" he smiles
"You're paying" I laugh through my tears.
"I love you freak, I fucking love you"
"I love you too" i stroke his hair which is now matted with blood.

"Miller, don't change please"
"Munson you're not leaving me"
"It's my year" I can hear his breaths getting deeper
"NO, NO NO" I scream
I can see dustin running up to us in the distance. He reaches us and kneels next to the pair of us.
"Henderson" Eddie smiles "it's my year, it's finally my year"
"You're a hero Eddie"
"Look after her for me"
Dustin looks at me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
I can see the life leaving his body, he is now a corpse on the floor. Lead in a pool of blood, he died protecting a town that didn't fucking care about him.

I don't remember when I first started hating you Eddie Munson, but I do, I still do but the hate is different now. I hate how you left me, I hate how you let me love you and the thing I hate the most? I hate loving you.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now