"Nancy wheeler has a gun?"

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We have realised that all of the murders are happening nearby/creating doors to the upside down. And that vecna must be within there, they have decided that we should go and take a look at these doors which requires us to go to a lake. I'm not really sure what's going on, so don't ask me to explain anything that's happening, Im still trying to figure that out myself.

All I know is that we are now hid in the back of Steve's car driving towards a lake. I get out the car and look at the vast amount of water.
"What are we supposed to be looking for?" I question looking over at Steve.
He sighs "I'm not sure yet"
Eddie puts his arm around me as we walk towards a boat. We decided that the younger kids should stay out of the water, that way they are safer and are acting more as a look out incase anyone else decides to visit the lake.

We get to a small boat and Steve jumps in followed by Eddie, then robin. Eddie puts his hand out for me to steady myself as I climb carefully into the boat, sitting on the floor and leaning my back between his legs as there isn't enough room for all of us. Finally Nancy hops in and we begin to row out into the open waters.
Steve decides he is the one who should go look beneath the water as he can see something down there.
"Be carful" I say before he jumps in. We look down at the water.
After a few moments Nancy says "why's he taking so long?"
"I don't know" robin says looking down into the water and squinting her eyes.
"Are we supposed to help?" I say looking between the two of them
"Not yet"

"GUYS" dustin shouts from the shore "GUYS"
I look over and see flashlights shining towards us.
"Jump in" Nancy says "now" she looks at me I look back at Eddie.
Robin and Nancy jump into the water sinking down.
I get up about to jump "be careful" Eddie grabs my hand.
"Hurry up Eddie they are looking for you" I say panicking, he stands up as I jump in and follow the others deeper into the water.

That's when I see it, a glowing red portal looking thing at the bottom of the water. I squint my eyes, looking for Steve but he's gone, nowhere to be seen, that's when one of the the black arms wrap around my leg. It's slimy and pulls me into the "door". I fall into the ground on the other side .

Sitting up I look around, it's Hawkins, but dark, cold and there is a snow-like substance floating in the air.
I see Nancy standing up and brushing herself down.
I look around some more and notice a swarm of bats surrounding Harrington.
"Shit" I scream pointing towards him, Nancy and robin run straight over to him beating away the bats. Eddie runs towards me "are you okay?" He checks.
"Yes I'm fine we need to help" I say pointing towards the three getting attacked.
"Okay stay close" he says, takes a deep breath and runs over to join them.

I do the same, picking up a stick I begin to hit the bats that come towards me. I hit one out of the way of Nancy and another that comes towards me.
"JESS" I hear someone shout from behind me, turning around I see one of the giant bat-like creatures coming straight at me.
I close my eyes not knowing what to do, this is the end I think to myself as I take one last deep breath. Something wraps around my side, the next thing I feel is the cold ground hitting my head. But when I open my eyes, I don't see a bat eating me to death, but Eddie panting beneath me. He saved me.

I look over to Steve who rips a bats head off with his mouth and spits out the blood. Nancy and robin look around ready for more of those creatures to emerge from the dark. But it's quite, no more beasts are in the sky - that we can see. I sigh looking down at my knees which are now covers in blood.

"Are you okay Steve" I hear Nancy say, he nods but holds his side. When he lifts up his shirt, it reveals a large wound. Nancy gasps slightly and lifts off the rest of his shirt, tying it tightly around his wound. There is clearly some history there and some unspoken sexual chemistry. You can see from the way that they look at eachother.
"Rabies" robin says quickly "Steve you might have rabies" she covers her eyes with her hand and turns away.

"Are you hurt?" I question Eddie, he shakes his head. "You sure?"
"I'm fine Miller, not a scratch on me"
I wrap my arms around his neck and pulls him close to me. "I thought I was going to loose you" he whispers into my neck.
"You won't get rid of me that easily" I smile at him.

"Um sorry to intrude your couple time" robin looks between the four of us "but I can see some more of those bats in the distance, and personally I don't want to die today"
"We need some guns" Steve says "where can we get guns?" He questions
"The police station?" Eddie suggests "but it's quite a walk from here"
"No my house is closer" Nancy says standing up "I have guns"
"Really?" I say shocked "you innocent Nancy wheeler has a gun?" I am generally shocked by this.
"Yes, for these circumstances precisely"

We follow Nancy to her house, Eddie and Steve talk about Nancy and how Eddie thinks that he should shoot his shot, And they also talk about dustin - from what I can hear.
I speed up towards Nancy and link arms with her "so you and Harrington" I say nudging her with my elbow. She smiles to the ground and looks at me.
"What about you and Eddie? Clearly something has happened between the pair of you, he can't keep his hands off of you" I look back to him and smile.
"We are just friends, I hate him remember" I can tell that Nancy doesn't believe me, I don't even believe myself anymore.

We get to Nancy's house and she begins rummaging through her room trying to find her collection of guns. Eddie is just as shocked as I am.

I hate loving you - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now