‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter three

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[Instagram & Reality]

@pansyparkinson posted a story 7 minutes ago
added to party

@pansyparkinson posted a story 7 minutes ago added to party

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AS SOON AS THE GIRLS ENTERED the common room, all eyes are on them, nothing unusual. But this time everyones eyes were on the new mysterious girl next to Daphne and Pansy. She is a private account, so the only thing known about her is her name, lia.

I knew as soon as I saw her on Daphne's post that I wanted her, and I knew I will. So the bet ain't nothing, I know I'm gonna win. Usually I'm not the type of guy who plays with women, but I really want this broom and her.

In the end I'll have both, so a win is a win.

The story from Pansy account showed more of her,  she smokes exactly like her brother, plus she isn't someone for everyone.

I saw how Adrian make his way to the group of girls and how he gets looks from everyone, as they past him and went for the drinks. I was watching every move on her, the way she takes off her jacket and showing everyone her free cleavage. Also I saw a tattoo on her shoulder but couldn't tell what it is from the distance.

I felt the anger inside me as I saw how Mattheo is standing with them, and how he put his hand around her waist to greet her. A few minutes later the three girls went to the dance floor and now I was looking around for the possible trap that could destroy my chance, her brother.

He was busy making out with someone and therefore don't have his sister in his view.

I grabbed my drink and downed it in one gulp before making my way over to get what's already mine and win this stupid bet.

She was swinging her hips, enjoying the first night here with her friends as I slowly danced my way to her from behind, as she could feel my hands on her shoulder she turned around and looked at me in disgust, "What is so important now to interrupt me having fun, huh?" she says annoyed and I couldn't almost hear her during the loud music. But I could hear her sassy tone in her voice.

"I wanted to say you're way for pretty to dance alone," I smirked at her, but she still looks at me the same, "So you say, just because I'm pretty, I have to dance with a boy who can't even walk straight and certainly can't dance?"

"I would watch how you talk to me, princess. Your friends haven't told you who I am?" I said getting now pissed at her attitude, never ever did a girl speak like that to me.

"Aww, did I hit a spot? Why don't you go back to where you came from and leave me the fuck alone." she said turning around back to her friends, leaving me there in the middle of the room. People have seen this embarrassing scene she caused for me and I won't let her go away with this so easily.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, you should be happy that I spoke to you." I now was saying angrily, since she really hit a spot. "o-k, you're not the first guy here to say that after I declined." said the hot girl her panties in a twist, and somehow it turned me on how she talks.

"Told you Draco, you aren't her type." Daphne interfere sounding tipsy as she slurred her words. I knew this wasn't over.

Then after the party slowly ends, I saw Lia alone at the drink table and how she packs some vol residual alcohol in her bag, something I've never seen anyone do before. After all, everyone just leaves and tomorrow everything will be cleaned up and the guy who hosted this will put the alcohol aside for his next party. "What you're doing actually counts as theft." I said as I got closer to her. She just sighed but didn't stop, "That belongs to someone-"

"Then that person should've been more careful, it can't be that important if they left it alone and unattended, can it?" she interrupted me, packing the last bottle into her small bag before walking past me. But I held her back by her arm, "Y'know, the undetectable extension charm isn't allowed for private use, you could get in trouble if someone finds out you are actively using it." I have something against her in my hand, and she certainly wouldn't want to get in trouble on the first day, right?

She sighed again, but turned around to me. For the first time I could see her face clear, and something about her I can't explain is attracting me, "What do you want, to shut up?"

"A date," I smirked but she was confused. "A date?" I nodded, because I know I couldn't just ask her to sleep with me, and I was afraid to try that out.

"Okay then, a date it is. Now if you excuse me." only we two were left in the common room, as she wanted to leave quick but I needed her number to go forward. "I need your number."

"Just text me on Instagram, you probably already figured out my account name." she said smiling for the first time ever at me and then leaving towards girls dormitory. She was such a pretty face with pretty smile, but her attitude doesn't match with the rest but somehow I like it.

932 words

CAN'T CATCH ME - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now