‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter five

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[Instagram & Reality]

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SHE WAS WAITING FOR HIM, even though he wanted the date so badly, she sits waiting for him at Three Broomsticks on a Thursday evening when she could have done anything else but wait for someone

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SHE WAS WAITING FOR HIM, even though he wanted the date so badly, she sits waiting for him at Three Broomsticks on a Thursday evening when she could have done anything else but wait for someone. He didn't even bother to text that he was late or if he was even coming.

She didn't understand why he wanted this date so badly that he had to blackmail her, and in the end he didn't make any effort. She had never been to one before and never had a real idea of ​​what one might look like. She thought she would be picked up and they would go there together, or that the guy would bring flowers, all of this probably only appears in movies because the reality is completely different

She was fiddling with her straw and looking down, wondering when would be the perfect time to get up and leave. People all around her are looking at her and probably feel sorry for her getting dumped.

"Sorry I'm late," someone said and sitting down in front of her. She looked up and saw him, wearing his uniform crumpled and barely done, his tie untied and his hair a completely mess. She didn't know if it was a bad joke and his friends were laughing their heads off in the corner or if he was really serious, "I already ordered."

"Lia, Seriously I would have come sooner but I got detention." He said as he ordered a butter beer for himself. "Mmmh, okay let's get this over with." She said still annoyed at his behavior.

She felt uncomfortable sitting in front of him, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible. "So how was your day?" he began, talking to the girl in front of him who has not one single emotion on her face.

"It's been a long day, waiting for a person can be exhausted. How was your detention?" He sighed, "I already said I'm sorry I was late, what else do you want to hear?"

"Just the real reason why you want this date so hard but in the end put no effort in it?" she said looking straight at him, intimidating him with her eyes.

"I want to get to know you better, you seem like a good person." She could feel he's lying, why would he say something like that to a girl that is been treating him like shit and talks to him the way she did since the moment they met. "You have to say yourself, what you're saying is pure bullshit."

Draco then tries to maintain a facade of interest, masking his true intentions, "So, tell me something interesting about yourself."

"Why bother? You clearly don't care. This date was a waste of time." She said, sipping on her drink.

"Well, if we're stuck here, might as well try to salvage some enjoyment." As the conversation drifts into trivial topics, Draco cautiously broaches the topic, trying to unravel Lia's mysterious past.

"I've always wondered, why did you get kicked out of your old school?" She scoffed, "Mind your own business, Malfoy. My past is not up for discussion."

"Fair enough, but we're stuck here together. Might as well share some stories." Lia hesitates before sighing: "Fine. I got expelled for standing up to a bully. The school administration didn't like my methods."

Draco raises an eyebrow, now intrigued, "Standing up to a bully? That doesn't sound like a reason to get kicked out."

"Well, my methods involved a bit of magical mischief. They didn't appreciate the fireworks in the principal's office." making Draco chuckles.

"So, you're not one to back down. I can respect that."

"My brother goes to Hogwarts, that's why I transferred to this school instead the one in France."

He nodded, knowing exactly who her brother is, "Hogwarts is a fresh start, then?"

"No, I'm not here to make friends. Just want my diploma." Draco strategically steers clear of anything too personal. He then subtly checks his watch, signaling his impatience. "Look, Lia, I have an early morning tomorrow. How about we call it a night." He then said, noticing that she really doesn't want to be here with him.

"Finally, something we can agree on." Draco pays the bill, suppressing a sigh of relief. The tension in the air is palpable, but Lia remains unaware of Draco's ulterior motives.

He forces a smile as they leave the restaurant, attempting to keep the conversation casual. "Well, Lia, that was quite the experience. Anything you'd like to share about yourself?"

"Save your faux interest. I don't owe you any personal details."

"Fair enough. Still, I appreciate your... company, Lia." As they walk back to the castle, Draco's mind races. Does he now felt bad for her?

"Don't flatter yourself." As they walked back in silence, they finally reached the common room. "Well, Lia, I suppose this is where we part ways. Until next time, maybe.

"Next time? Don't count on it." Draco exits, his relief visible. The tension lingers in the air, and the unspoken truth remains buried, with Lia oblivious to the real game at play.

871 words

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