‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter fifteen

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・゚゚ ᴏᴋᴀʏɪɴɢ .・゜


@notlia posted a story 1min ago

@notlia posted a story 1min ago

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hey whats up?

nothing just wanted to
see if you okay

yeah why?

some creeps comment under my
post and I thought you might've read
it but believe me they aren't true

oh don't worry, it's nothing
i got used to it by now

that's not healthy please
talk to me

well yeah it hurts but I can't
change the way people see me
nor do I actually care, I don't
know them

so why should their opinion
matter to me, they only insecure
with themselves and let it out
on others

where are you?

in my dorm but I have to pack
some stuff since I have to go
home over the weekend  😩

oh why and where?

some family issues
and to italy

italy? you're italian?
and when are you leaving?

I am yeah, and on friday
after the last lesson

ah ok

do you need some company?

no need but thank you,
i have theo after all :))

it's just kind of a issue, but I use
it as break from everything,
something I need now

I get it, sometimes you need
a break from the reality and
home is the best place to escape

you're really smart, are you
close with your family?

with my mother yeah,
I'm very close with her

well then, if you need someone
to talk, I'm here

are you using my vulnerability
for your own purposes?

wouldn't think of it, lia


seriously just a friendly offer

and you don't deserve those bitches
comments on your body, nobody does
so I'm turning off my comments

you don't need to, it's really
okay I heard worse so no
big deal

already did

you're to sweet, sometimes, not
every time, for this world

just for you to know I'm not
thinking what they're

at first I did thought you're a bitch
but you now, I think you're a strong,
beautiful, independent, a thief, and
funny woman that is trying to survive
in this tiny world with people like
me in it

you are really someone special
in your own way, don't care what
others think, doing your own thing

not much people can do that

okay stop it now, draco

just stating facts :))

so I hate to be the first to say
goodbye but I really need
to pack my stuff now

do you need help?

why are you bored?

kinda and I want to see
you before you leave

door is open, and really you have
to make thief as my personality?


473 words

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