‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter six

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・゚゚ ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴛᴇ


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hey lia, draco here.
recently i've been thinking back to
our "date" and well, I think I owe you
an apology...

apology? what's the
sudden change of heart?

I realized I didn't exactly make
an effort, like you said, just noticed
it now and I should've treated
you better general, I'm sorry for that

ok apology accepted, doesn't change
the fact that the date was a complete
disaster and I won't repeat it

true, I can't undo that, but I'd like
a chance to make it up to you

maybe another attempt?

another attempt? don't get ahead
of yourself, I'm not that forgiving

fair enough, well how about a
fresh start then, as friends?

no ulterior motives, I promise

friends? we'll see, but let's make
one thing clear, I won't tolerate
any nonsense

agreed, no nonsense, I just
thought we could start over
without the tension

starting over is fine, but don't expect
me to forget how shitty you were

understood, thank you for
another chance

we'll see.

@drainme posted a story 5 minutes ago
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@drainme posted a story 5 minutes agoadded to d'

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*he's blonde, you're blind

208 words

CAN'T CATCH ME - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now