‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter thirty two

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THE AIR WAS THICK WITH TENSION as I was running for my life, towards Malfoy Manor. I couldn't hear my thoughts because my heart pounded in my chest, all I needed was to reach her in time. My Lia was in danger.

I admitted that I had fallen deeply in love with her over the past year, her kindness and strength a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounded us. I was the one who always destroyed my chances.

She had always refused to follow the same path as her brother and I, adamantly against becoming a Death Eater. And if she refuses she needs to pay the price.

When I finally reached the entrance of the manor, I could hear raised voices from within. I couldn't breathe, as I pushed open the familiar heavy door. My eyes scanning the grand hall for any sign of her. The cold, marble floors seemed to echo with the weight of fear.

There, in the center of the hall, Lia stood defiantly, facing Bellatrix Lestrange and several other Death Eaters. Bellatrix's wand was raised, a cruel smile playing on her lips.

"You have one last chance, girl," Bellatrix hissed. "Join us, or die."

Lia's voice was steady, though tears shone in her eyes, I knew her answer. "I will never join you. I cannot be part of the darkness that took my mother from me."

Bellatrix's smile widened. "So be it."

"NO!" my broken voice shattered the silence as I rushed forward, but it was too late. A flash of green light illuminated the room, and Lia crumpled to the floor. I was falling to my knees beside her, beside her lifeless body.

"Lia, no," I whispered, she couldn't leave me. She wouldn't do this to me, this is a joke, it isn't real.

My hands trembling as I touched her face. The warmth was already leaving her skin, her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. I couldn't see her clear anymore as my vision blurred with tears.

But I could hear the heavy footsteps of someone else entering the manor echoed ominously.

Theo appeared.

His eyes locked onto his sister's body, then onto me, who was cradling her in my arms, afraid to let her go to make it real.

"Lia..." Theo's voice was choked with grief and guilt. "I'm so sorry..."

My head snapped up, fury blazing through my tears, how could he? "You did this," I was filled with anger, "You brought her here. You made her choose."

Theo staggered back, shaking his head. "I never wanted this. Trust me I never wanted this..."

I couldn't believe him, but I couldn't stand up I need to hold her closer, she is cold and I need to warm her. Everything around faded, the weight of the war, the choices they had all made.

I lost her.

My light in the darkness, just because of the twisted path I had been forced to walk.

She was gone, and she took me with her.

513 words

I'm sorry, everything has
to come to an end, sometime.

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