‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ the finale battle

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Draco stood at the edge of the fray, his wand clutched tightly in his hand. Lia's words echoed in his mind, her unwavering conviction to stand against the darkness that had consumed their world.

He knew what he had to do.

He couldn't keep living in the shadows,

He couldn't keep running from the guilt and grief.

Taking a deep breath, Draco stepped into the chaos. He fought his way through the throng of Death Eaters, his spells a blend of defense and offense, each one cast with a fierce determination.

He wasn't fighting for power or for glory; he was fighting for Lia, for the memory of the girl who had believed in goodness and light.

As he moved closer to the heart of the battle, he saw Harry Potter, locked in combat with Voldemort himself. Draco knew this was the moment that would decide everything.

Without hesitation, he moved to join the fight, throwing spells to deflect those aimed at Harry, providing him with the cover he needed.

Voldemort's eyes narrowed as he noticed Draco's betrayal. "Malfoy!" he hissed, his voice filled with venom. And everyones eyes are on him, Theo was the only one who knew how this will end, "You dare stand against me?"

Draco raised his wand, his gaze steady. "I'm not afraid of you anymore," he said, his voice strong. "Lia wouldn't have wanted this. She wouldn't have wanted any of this."

A cruel smile twisted Voldemort's lips. "So you choose to die for a dead girl's ideals? How noble."

Draco didn't flinch. "I choose to die for love. For the hope that we can build a better world."

Draco raises his wand almost the same time Voldemort did, the killing curse on his lips, Draco saw a flash of green light. In that instant, he felt a searing pain in his chest, but there was no fear, no regret.

He knew he's going to die, but it didn't hurt seeing he cast the same towards Voldemort with success, he saw him slowly falling to the ground.

His last thoughts were of Lia.

Her smiling face.

Her laughter.

The way she had made him believe in something better.

He saw her, because it was always her.

As darkness closed in, he felt a warmth envelop him, a comforting presence he had longed for.

When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer on the battlefield.

Instead, he stood in a place of light and warmth. And there, just a few steps away, was Lia. She looked exactly as he remembered, her eyes filled with love and relief.

"Draco," she whispered, reaching out to him.

He stepped forward, taking her hand. "Lia...I missed you so much." and pulled her close to him, in his arms not letting her go.

"I missed you too," she said, tears shining in her eyes. "You did the right thing. You stood up for what was right."

Draco nodded, stroking her hair, a sense of peace settling over him. "I did it for you. For us."

She pulled a bit back and smiled, a radiant expression that filled him with a joy he hadn't felt in a long time. "We're together now, and that's all that matters."

And in that moment, Draco knew that he had finally found the peace he had been searching for.


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