‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter twenty nine

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so you're really leaving huh?
not even saying goodbye or

I've heard it from tracy,
not you' I thought we were
something so you would tell
at least me...

I wanted to tell you, I'm not
leaving until friday, I didn't
found the right moment yet

and didn't knew you
two talk again.

well we never had problems


so when were you going to
tell me that you were leaving?

does it matter you know now

so why should I tell you anything
at all if you have a mail man who
does it for me?

are you jealous or so?

you such a dickhead

you are leaving and not tell
me about it, now you're mad
someone else did?

so please enlighten me, why do
you need to leave huh?

some issues

or did you do something again
so you were kicked off again?

wtf is wrong with you?

you tell me

why didn't you tell me yesterday
when we were together that you
are leaving?

I didn't want to destroy the
moment, now I regret it

I know you're angry, but I can't
change it so why are you so pissed

because I thought we were
something, now I'm not sure


you distanced yourself from me

oh wow, just because I didn't
tell you that I'm leaving, doesn't
mean I distance myself

then what are you doing?

draco you're telling nonsense

am I? lia what are we?

dray now isn't the time to
discuss that, y'know I'm

just tell me what I am to you,
tell me why am I not worth
a fucking goodbye

I can't


draco please

I hate that you think it's
nothing or easy to be without
you for who knows how long

I'm sorry

it hurts that you didn't tell me,
but I'm not even mad at you

I just can't believe you, that you
just planed to leave without a word

I'm forced to go

still you should've said something
instead of running away from
the problem

draco please I'm not running
away, I have no choice

I don't want to leave, I would
rather get killed than what is
coming for me

y'know why my father wants
me back, y'know what I'm

you're the only one who knows
how hard it is, why I couldn't
say it to your face

I didn't wanted to hurt you
even more, I know it would've
break you apart that's why I
waited for the moment

at least answer now


well then have a nice life

492 words

CAN'T CATCH ME - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now