‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter twenty seven

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missing one of your hoes or what?

lia y'know I'm meaning
you, you know that, who else?

how should I? I mean it cloud
be another naive girl you lead on

Y'know why I said those things,
You knew I had no other choice

He can change the life of my family,
He can bring them into danger

but why didn't you said that?
why did you make me feel so

I still don't know what Theo
is capable of and how far he
would've go

I couldn't trust that it was you on
the phone...

You should've come to me

I tried

Just tell me truth from now on

It's sometimes harder

Draco just tell me what is true
and what the lies were

truth is I have strong feelings for
you, since the moment I saw you

first it was your looks tbh, and then
I fell for you and everything that
comes with it

I was afraid to let emotions shown
but never with you, I'm also afraid
now of losing you because I know
it'll destroy me completely

and truth is I hate myself for what
I did and are full of regrets

I'm not ready to let you go, I'll never
be ready and will get over you

and the lies?

please can you say it back?
it's my last chance to hear it

draco I want to hear them, now


of course I feel the same way
even though I'm still mad at you
they haven't changed

I told you that you were the first
to show me the feeling of being
in love, what else do you want to
me to say?

The only lie that matters is
the beginning of us

just get to the fucking point

I had a bet going on with adrian,
I was stupid then and agreed to
his game, with the price of a nimbus

I didn't think much of it as I had
no clue who you were, that's why
I choose a date to bribe you with

as soon as we started talking more
and I developed something for you,
I ended it.

way before I got closer with you.

the bet was that whoever will sleep
first with you wins

thats why you couldn't be my
first, because you would've
used me?

even though I ended it, the
Feelings of guilt were still there


lia say something, anything

If I would've done the same,
what would you do?

fuck don't do this

if you knew I was playing with you,
made you feel like all the other boys
by using my body for a game

would you forgive the person
who did the same fucking thing?

no I wouldn't, but knowing that the
stupid guy regrets it with his whole
heart and stopped this nonsense long
ago, I would reconsider it

give me time

no I won't, I want to know if
you can ever forgive me?

I don't know

I love you Cecilia, with everything
I have and everything that I need
is you to be happy, if it's not with me
I will try to let you go

you're not being fair Draco

y'know I will forgive you at one
point, you know that I want you
and that in the end it's you

but I will wait for you
to be ready

Can you come here, to me.

I need you as my person, not as
the one who just broke my heart.

You're the only one I can rely on,
we will talk later about this.

You can always rely on me.

667 words

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