‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter twenty eight

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liked by itsdaphs and 917 othersnotlia what a lie

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liked by itsdaphs and 917 others
notlia what a lie

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adrianpucey those legs 😍

grahammontague everything about you is perfect

letalestrange why do you always look so clean?

katiebell cover up!

hannahabott slut

hannahabott glad you have to leave
              ⇝mili.bst I so hope the rumor is true
              ⇝hannahabott me too 😫

tracydavis hopefully you never come back



chamber of secrets

leta 🤍
why is everyone saying you're
leaving lia?

leta 🤍
tell me it's not true

pansy baby
you can't leave!!!

cho (ravenclaw)
more and more students are
leaving hogwarts because of
what is coming...

cho (ravenclaw)
parents don't think it's safe here
anymore with you know who
coming back...

my wife daph
but why should lia go home
but not theo?

I have no clue, my father just
announced I need to come back

my wife daph
but that makes no sense, you're
safe here look we're still here

my wife daph
no one of us is leaving, why
do you now?

I don't want to get back and I don't
want to leave you guys but my
father still has control over me

daphs sister tori
and why not theo?

I don't know, we aren't
talking anymore

cho (ravenclaw)

my wife daph
we broke up, idk

what when? why didn't
you tell us we could've
been there for you?!

my wife daph
it was a few days ago but he
changed and I couldn't be with
him anymore

my wife daph
not when he is turning
into his father..

leta 🤍
I think that's our answer, theo is
probably one of them that's why
he can stay...

daphs sister tori
you mean a death eater? that
means mr. Nott is too, but lia?

no I'm not, I'm never going
to be one, theo just wanted
to make my and proud

leta 🤍
I think most of the boys
here are one...

my wife daph
lia do you think your father wants
you back to get you the mark?

i don't know

my wife daph
what about draco can he help?

you and malfoy huh?

he can't, he has
his own problems

and theo threatened to hurt his
family if he's seen with me so
we aren't really talking anymore

oh baby, I'm so sorry everything
is going down now...

my wife daph
so he doesn't know you're leaving?


cho (ravenclaw)
but aren't you like in love with
him and he's with you?

you need to say goodbye!

I don't think he really cares,
last time we spoke we had a
small disagreement and well

my wife daph
but he came over to rescue
you lia, that guy is in love

my wife daph
even with the bet, which was stupid
of him, I think he is good for you


my wife daph
she will explain it later, but lia
you will regret it, so please

leta 🤍
maybe he can convince you to stay
here with his help...

I don't think he can, but okay
I will let him know

my wife daph
so my sister is really leaving us?

lets do one last sleepover!!

cho (ravenclaw)
that sounds great!

546 words

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