‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter seven

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@notlia posted a story 2 minutes ago

I WAS SUPER LATE, Mattheo promised me a whole box of new stuff so I had to be on time, but as always I'm late

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I WAS SUPER LATE, Mattheo promised me a whole box of new stuff so I had to be on time, but as always I'm late. As I glided down the hallways, I came across a person sitting in front of Snape's office. I couldn't help but say something, we last spoke to each other after I apologized for my behavior, 4 days ago, and although I tried to text to her again several times, something stopped me.

"Hey," was what I dared to say, she looked up and nodded, "Hi." I got as an answer.

"What are you sitting here on a Friday?" I asked, Mattheo can wait five minutes, I don't even care.

"For the teacher," she pointed to the door. "How come?" She shrugged, "Can't stand me or he loves me and that's why he wants to so much spend time with me." this one made me truly laugh.

"Snap hates every girl, don't take it too personally." She nodded and looked at the door again, "So he must be gay." she said out of nowhere, "Yes, definitely, he's never been seen with a female before."

"You've never been seen in public with a female, do you want to confess something to me?" I shuffled to keep from laughing. "I have thousands of girls in my dms."

"Must be your username, so I see it works." She said bluntly, I had a smile on my face the whole time and completely forgot about Mattheo. Suddenly the door opened and Snape appeared, he looked at me first and then Lia, then back at me, "Malfoy, please leave and head towards your dorm." he said to me silently, how much I want to throw my fist into his face.

"Mrs. Nott, please come in." he then said, and Lia looked at me with a smile. "Mr. Grumpy needs me, I'll see you around." She said loudly and without a shame in the world, "Nott, one week turned into two." Snape was angry but Lia didn't stop.

"Make it three, so it won't look like you're gay to the students, Sir. But of course even if you are, we respect and accept you." I laughed out loud and couldn't take it anymore but stayed quiet as Snap gave me the death stare.

"Sorry." She said and went into his office, but before she waved at me. "Malfoy, make sure you leave." he said and closed the door, I couldn't believe what just happened but one thing is clear, "Fuck, I think I'm in love."

436 words

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