‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter four

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@drainme wants to follow you accept | decline

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@drainme wants to follow you
accept | decline

you look hot

did you came up with ur
user name on your own?

yes, wanna?

it's only embarrassing, I seriously
can't come up with another word

are you trying to pick up some
girls with your user?

trust me, it worked with
a bunch of girls

congratulations, want a reward?

already have everything I want,
a date with you, must be you lucky day

lucky? more like unfortunate. I'd
rather spend an evening with
a root canal.

my charm will soon convince
you of me, after all you going
on a date with me

u are literally forced me
to get on a date with u

could've said no

and getting kicked out after the
first day? no thanks already
been through that

what you got kicked out
that's why you're here now?

it's not ur business but
don't think I want this date!

i just hope nobody sees me,
it's pathetic, ur babble is pathetic

wow coming from someone
who's probably never experienced
a real connection

I'd rather be alone forever than
with someone like you, good luck
finding your next victim

y'know your bitterness won't
change the fact that you owe
me a date

fine, let's just get this over with
just don't expect me to be impressed
by your so-called "charm."

suit yourself, I'm sure by the end
of the night, you'll be begging for

begging? please, I'd rather beg for
a paper bag to breathe in

you seem to have a talent for insults
maybe that's why you're perpetually

why do you even think I'm
single, huh? maybe I'm hiding a
guy in my bag

would you have accepted a
date if you were taken

again, forced into it.
I have no other choice

maybe loosen up a bit, you
might actually enjoy life

enjoy life with you? that's like saying
I'd enjoy a root canal without anesthesia

well, brace yourself, this date might
just be the highlight of your otherwise
dull existence

I highly doubt that, pepare for
a night of boredom, malfoy

boredom? I doubt you even know
how to have fun, maybe I'll teach you
a thing or two

teach me? please, spare me your
misguided lessons in shallowness

says the girl whose idea of depth
is a kiddie pool, you could use some
excitement in your life

excitement? ur definition is probably
just another word for heartbreak.

heartbreak? I've left a trail of admirers,
not victims. can't blame them for falling
for someone like me

I wouldn't say falling for you?
More like stumbling into a pit
of regret

I'll survive this date, but
I doubt you'll change

Survival is the least of your worries.
Who knows? You might discover
a side of me you never expected

Doubtful. I've seen enough to know
I won't find anything worthwhile.

brace yourself for
disappointment, malfoy

and please for merlins sake
change your user name

547 words

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