‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter thirty four

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@dracomalfoy posted

liked by itsdaphs and 4,627 othersdracomalfoy i'm sorry, my love

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dracomalfoy i'm sorry, my love.

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THE GRIEF WAS OVERWHELMING, a constant ache in his chest that he couldn't escape. Every corner of Malfoy Manor seemed haunted by her memory, and he could barely bring himself to face the world outside his room.

Draco clung to anything that reminded him of her. He found solace in the small things, but mostly the scent of her perfume still lingering in her dorm, where he now spend his nights.

On the last evening, Draco sat on her bed, staring at his phone. His fingers hovered over the keys, hesitating before he finally typed out a message.

my beautiful lia

Fr. 01 May, 7:29pm

I'm so sorry, Lia. I wish I could have
saved you. I wish tomorrow would be
different... I wish you would be here to
tell me what I am going to do is the
only way to end this pain.

He sent the message, one of many, but the last he would send. Knowing it would never reach her, it was his escape, it brought a small measure of comfort.

He began a few days after death, and the days turned into weeks, and Draco continued this ritual.

It became his way of coping, of keeping her memory alive.

Theo, too, was struggling with his own guilt. He had stayed away from Draco, unable to face the boy who had loved his sister as deeply as he did. But on the last day before everything will change, he found himself standing outside Draco's room, hesitating before knocking softly.

Draco looked up as the door opened, his eyes red-rimmed and weary. "Theo," he acknowledged, his voice a hollow echo of its former self.

Theo stepped inside, his own grief evident in his features. "I...I didn't know where else to go," he admitted, his voice cracking. "I can't stop thinking about her, she would do everything to stop this."

Draco nodded, his gaze dropping to his phone. "I've been messaging her," he said quietly. "It's stupid, I know. But it helps."

Theo's eyes softened with understanding. "Can I see?"

Draco hesitated before handing over the phone. Theo scrolled through the messages, his heart aching with each word. He handed the phone back, tears welling up in his eyes. "She loved you, Draco. She would have forgiven you."

Draco's throat tightened. "And she loved you, Theo. She wouldn't want us to hate each other."

For a moment, they sat in silence, the weight of their shared loss hanging heavily between them. It was an unspoken truce, a fragile bond formed from the ashes of their shared tragedy.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Theo asked, knowing he isn't. "After tomorrow everything will change, everything will be different."

Draco knew that, but for him, after tomorrow everything will be alright again. He planned this, how his story will end...

500 words

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