‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter sixteen

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・゚゚ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ.・゜


notnott posted

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liked by malfoyd, enzob and others
notnott feat. italia


itsdaph miss you two

adrianpucey show us more of your sister

cormacmclaggen you know what we want

oliverwood unfair

itsdaph how come your hoodie suits her better?

pansyparkinson how are the clubs there?

adrianpucey what I would do to be between those legs 😍

marcusflint in love with long legs

lavenderbrown why is she always showing her body so much tf?

dracomalfoy she looks so happy again

chambers of secrets

"she looks so happy again"

if that doesn't scream he's in
love then I don't know what is

well he came by the night before
because I wasn't feeling so well

we were talking like I knew him
my whole life, it wasn't weird but
i just I don't know

leta 🤍
don't know what?

I have a bad feeling about
this, about something but idk

my wife daph
his comment did say a lot
he usually doesn't comment

my wife daph
and he never showed his soft
side to public

daphs sister tori
he has a motive with you
he doesn't do this all for

and he was the only boy who
didn't comment on your body
but about you

he never posted a girl before,
I think that guy is falling for you

i know but still bad feeling

cho (ravenclaw)
well it's normal maybe it is
maybe it isn't, you can't tell
that now

i know i just never gave
someone a chance afraid to get
hurt and everyone I ever dump
just left and didn't try more
but he? he can't let go

maybe he is different, and maybe
I should give this a chance?

my wife daph
it's your decision

okay I think when I'm back
I give him a chance

but still be careful he's still
known for fucking around
that doesn't change drastic


335 words

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