‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter thirty one

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tell me where you are, love
I found a solution, I can help you
just tell me where you are now

I should've never let you go,
lydia please forgive my words

it's going to be okay, when I
find out where you are I will
come and get you

I have something your father
wants, something he would
leave you alone for

my lia
who are you?

you don't recognize my words?

my lia
I'm scared to assume

I was the one who thought you
what love is and also destroyed
your vision

my lia
draco it's already to late

it's not, just tell me where
you are right now

my lia
draco I won't let you sacrifice
yourself for me, I know what
you're thinking

you shouldn't sacrifice yourself
either, you won't die, I won't let

my lia
you know it's the only way out,
I won't be on his side so he needs
to get rid of me

my lia
that's what happens to traitors,
that's why you and theo decided
to take the mark, but I won't

my lia
they killed my mother, I won't be
one of them and hurt other families

I won't make them get you
one, I promise and I won't
sacrifices myself

I have a favor for doing my job,
you freedom is all I'm asking for

my lia
you killed someone, didn't you?

they think it was me, but I don't
have their blood on my hands

snap throw the curse for me,
I couldn't do it but the lord
doesn't know that

my lia
who was it?


my lia
I'm in Wiltshire, England

my manor, great I know how
to get there, stay put and don't
to anything stupid

It's hard, but you have to be strong
for me, for you, for our future

my lia
theo isn't there, even if I hate
him I wish he would be there,
it would make it less hurt

he still loves you, y'know that
he is just scared if he doesn't obey
he will die, we all do

my lia
I know

I'm almost there, just be careful
I will come and get you and then
we escape the world

my lia
I love you too, I want
you to know that

my lia
even with everything going on
I will always have you in my
heart, draco

you are my light, a reason
to hang on cecilia

no hang on for me,
I almost there

477 words

CAN'T CATCH ME - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now