‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter nineteen

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[Instagram & Reality]

@notlia posted

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liked by itsdaphs and 628 others
notlia 🤍🫧🛁🦢🪩

comments 131
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tracydavis  still don't understand why anyone would want you

lavenderbrown nobody wants something that has been used too much, just saying

katiebell she is only a few months here and already been through everyone

katiebell just do us the favor go back to where you came from

hannahabott body count probably higher than my phone number

hannahabott @mili.bst how she's trying to be natural but we all know she isnt
              ⇝mili.bst 😭😭😭

pansyparkinson those girls here are disgusting

pansyparkinson it's so embarrassing to hate on a girl just because she could have your boyfriend
              ⇝pansyparkinson newsflash she's
too hot for you ugly guy



She was sitting there in her thoughts watching the night sky and has for the first time in some weeks, freedom in her mind.

As she was smoking my cigarette that calmed her down and stopped her from doing something that gets her kicked out, she couldn't stop but think what she did, that the people hate her for nothing.

They saying stuff that isn't truth, she has never been with a guy before, she literally came from a school where there were only girls. She hates how people can destroy someones life with just a few nonsense words, and she hates that it makes her vulnerable.

Lia's cigarette slowly burns down so she kicked it off the tower and lit another one, as she feel someones appearance.

This person behind her, cleared his throat and she knew immediately who it is, "Mind if I join you, Lia?"

She was hesitated at first but nodded, making room for him. She has no strength to have another 'fight' with him so she just offer him a cigarette, which he accepts right away.

The stars twinkled above as draco takes a deep breath. "Look, about the other day, I shouldn't have gotten angry when you were just trying to help."

Lia sighed, "It's fine, Draco. I just thought I was doing the right thing."

He glanced at her, with remorse in his eyes. "You were, and I overreacted. I'm sorry."

It was Silence between the two until Lia finally spoke, "It's hard when everyone has their own version of who I am, and I don't know how to change that." She doesn't know why she was saying that but she could feel that Draco is the person who feels the same way.

He nodded, understanding her struggle, "I get it, Lia. People judge without knowing the truth."

Her gaze immediately softened and suddenly she doesn't feel so tense anymore. "Sometimes, I wish I could escape the rumors."

Draco then softly said, "I know there's more to you than the rumors, and I want to be there for you, without judgment." and how much she loves when he spoke in such soft way.

Her eyes met his, with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, "Thank you, Draco. It's really nice to have someone who sees beyond the facade."

The two stare at the stars again and his hand getting closer to hers until it touches, and it didn't feel weird, it was nice. Their hands lingered in a gentle embrace, and draco couldn't help but be captivated by the vulnerability in Lia's eyes.

Lia, breaking the silence, spoke softly, "I never thought someone like you would care about the real me, Draco."

Draco met her gaze, a sincerity in his eyes. "You deserve to be seen for who you truly are, Lia. And I want to be the one to see that."

604 words

CAN'T CATCH ME - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now