‧⋆ ˚。⋆˚ chapter thirty three

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my beautiful lia

Mo, 30. Mar, 6:26am

hey my love, today was one of
those days where everything felt
heavy. Everything is cold without
you here, I miss your laughter. I wish
you were here to tell me everything
will be alright, tell me will it?
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Fr, 03. Apr., 3:39am

I saw Theo today, we didn't talk much.
But I could see the guilt in his eyes, I want
to hate him for what happened, but I know
you wouldn't want that. It's just so hard,
I miss you.
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Mo, 06. Apr., 4:54pm

bellatrix was here again, talking about
the cause, and how we're all expected to
do our part. I can't listening to her.

Everytime she fucking speaks,
I just hear the cause that took
you away, away from me.
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I hate this, Lia. I hate it all.
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Thu, 09. Apr., 2:56am

Theo came by my room tonight. We talked
about you, he's hurting too. I think maybe
we can help each other heal. I hope you'd
be okay with that. I miss you my love.
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Mo, 13. Apr., 11:46pm

There was raid tonight. They wanted
me to go, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring
myself to be a part of that again, of
something  that took you away,
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I keep thinking what you said, about
how hurting others won't make anything
better, you were right, I miss you.
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Wed, 15. Apr., 1:42am

I'm trying to be strong, Lia. For you. But
it is so hard, everyday feels like struggle.
I wish you were here to give me strength.
I miss you more than words can say.
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Sat, 18. Apr., 4:57am

I've been thinking about leaving, about
running away from all of this. I don't know
if I have the courage, but staying here is
tearing me apart. What would you do if
you were in my place?
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Mo, 20. Apr., 3:39am

They're started talking about the final battle.
Everyone's tense, preparing for the worst. I
can't shake the feeling that things are only
going to get worse from here. I'm scared, Lia,
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I'm really scared, I need you in my arms.
Don't tell everyone I said that, they think
I'm getting better, but trust me I'm not.
I'm trying, but it feels like I don't deserve
to get better, for everything I did.

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Wed, 29. Apr., 3:59pm 

I visited you today, I'm sorry I didn't before,
I couldn't, I couldn't see you because then it
would become more real, that you're gone.
I brought you your favorite flowers, pink roses.
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I switched every flower with pink roses,
I hope you can me forgive for everything
one day. I'll keep fighting for you, for what
you believed in. I love you Lia.
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505 words

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