Chapter one

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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

The sun poured into my room so bright and loud that it woke me up. I felt so grogy from a previous nightmare that woke me from my nap in the middle of the night. I couldn't go back to sleep and just laid there, facing the ceiling till I eventually did. And almost so quickly it was morning. But I wasn't mad, I felt comfort feeling warmth of the suns rays hitting off my face, relieving me of any stress.

For a couple minutes I laid underneath the steaming sheets, which were light like cotten and smelt of lavender. It soothed me to just rest and recollect myself so I could have a good rest of my day.

Later then sooner, to my displeasure I had to get up and dressed before my father or sister came knocking and badgering me to get up. And as if I had predicted, there my sister Arwen stood outside my door just about to knock when I swung it open.

"Finnally your up." She rolled her eyes. "We have guest today."

I yawned tiredly. "You mean the hobbits and Aragorn? They have been here for at least two days now." I replied and began to follow her down the corridor.

"No not them." Was all she said and nothing more as she brought me to the guest rooms and knocked on one of the doors. I turned to look at her in shock and began to scold her.

"Arwen! We can not just bother someone, they could be asle-"

Before I could finish my sentence the door swung open to reveal a tall elf with gorgeous long blonde hair and blue eyes. I let out a gasp and so did the elf before me.


"Y/n! Its so good to see you again."

I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly burring my head into the crook of his neck.

Legolas had been my best friend since forever. The last time i saw him was 60 years ago when myself and my brother went to the feast of starlight. Though it had to be cut short do to the war brewing and me getting caught up in it. And my ada had not let me leave Rivendale ever since then.

"It feels like forever since ive seen you mellon." He said hugging me back.

There was a pang in my heart at the word mellon. I didnt want to be friends, i wanted something different with Legolas but was afraid to tell him my true feelings. I was to afraid to ruin the close relationship we already had.

"It has." I said pulling away. His hands were now rested on the sides of my shoulders.

"Has your father gotten over it?" I had to be careful with my wording no one knew what truely happened during the Battle of five armies. Not even my family knew well besides for my brother who was there with me and promised not to tell a living soul the truth. I didn't even tell Arwen and I tell her everything.

Legolas let out a short but almost annoyed huff and rolled his eyes.

"No. He sits there on his throne drinking wine all day telling me how much he is smitten with you." he sounded almost... jealous? I blushed in embaressment remebering Arwen was standing right there. I could see a grin over take her lips. She probably had so many questions.

The lord of the rings Legolas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now