Chapter five

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"Y/n? Y/n! Wake up please."

I could hear what seemed to be Legolas voice speaking to me, sounding as if he were under water.

It wasnt long before a light hand slapped my face a couple times making me come to.

My vision cleared and I could see a bright ball of orange light above me. I squint my eyes as the light began to sting them and looked away.

"Y/n? Are you alright, meleth nin?"

I soon caught sight of Legolas who looked distraught.

"I... am fine. What happened?" I soon asked, sitting up.

He gave me a solom look and grazed his fingers over my cheek.

"You passed out after hitting your head, it's nothing serious but you scared me. You wouldn't awake." He said helping stand up.

My legs swayed a bit and I held onto Legolas for support.

I peered around my surroundings to see everyone in the group looking upset, and mostly Frodo who was distraught. I took note that Gandalf wasn't there.

I immediately looked back at Legolas. "Whats wrong? What happened."

He shook his head and looked done. "Gandalf... he didnt make it."

My heart dropped. "What... "

Tears gathered in my eyes. "How?"

"He was fighting off a balrog and he fell." He said and took me in my arms, hugging me tightly.

Arogon was in the distance wiping the bloood off his sword and then looked at the hobbits, who sat, crying.

"Legolas get them up." Aragorn said as he woped down his sword.

Legolas glanced at him and walked away going towards the hobbits.

"Legolas leave them be—"

"Give them a moment for pitys sake." Boromir shouted intupting me and for once I actually agreed with the man on something.

"By nightfall These hills will be swarming with orcs." Aragorn said.

"Arogorn, it's still day time let us have a moment." I begged him but he only shook his head.

I looked up at Aragorn, tears welling up in my eyes then to Legolas who gave me a sad remorsful look. He wasnt one to show his true emotions to much which told me I must be strong for the hobbits.

"Meleth nin... come, let us not wait."

"We must go now and make for the woods of Lothlorien." Aragorn said to which I nodded.

Lothlorien would be the safe choice for now. My grandmother would help us.


We ran across the grassy hills and into the woods. Leaves fell, almost fluttering like butterflies to the ground. And the suns rays from above peared theough the trees guided the way.

Being back here brought me peace and all the memories of old times, when me and my sister Arwen would run trough these woods, playing with our dear old friend Hadlir.

Me and Legolas walked side by side, our hands grazing as we continued through the woods growing deeper and much closer to were the elves lived.

It was quiet up until Gimili started to speak to the hobbits about my grandmother.

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