Chapter 9

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It had been a whole week with no connection between me and Legolas, not even a subtle look of longing desire. The fellowship had felt the burden, once two people completely ignore eachother it would start to tear the group apart.

And for that I felt horrible. Another thing was, this caused me to not speak much with the fellowship, even Aragorn, whom I speak with often. I was the who had brought him and Arwen together, for I had sensed they were meant to be.

Anyhow, I was fortunate enough that Gandalf had been the mournful state so no one would wonder why I had been unusually silent. Well that was all instead of Aragorn, who seemingly had a feeling something really set me off this time. He didn't ask though, which left me at peace.

Currently sitting upon a a wooden chair at a large dining table, filled with foods of all kinds, besides any large pile of meats.

Us elves like our greens and fancy walnut salads and only softer meats, nothing of the monstrous type the dwarfs liked.

Now, this dinner, like the others we had, been more loud then the last five quiet ones and everyone had been healing from there sadness. The hobbits, had a small laugh each five seconds as they talked umongst each other, Aragorn and Legolas had been speaking like the old pals they are and really the only silent ones had been me and Boromir who sat right next to me.

He spoke a little with Gimli who gladly share every detail of his life back home, quite loudly to which my Grandmother and grandmother silently smiled. They joined us for the first time, sitting across from each at each end of the long table.

I by her, pleased with the arrangement. She definitely had known what happened with me and Legolas as he sat all the way on the opposite side by my grandfather.

"Why do you still mourn?" Her voice echoed through my head and I looked at her as I dragged my fork through my half eaten salad.

I frowned. "But I don't. Gandalf is with us in memory and I just know he wouldn't want us to worry."

"That's not who I speak of dear child."

I suddenly became defensive at that a gave a longing stare Legolas"s way. He was have a wonderful time, laughing with Aragorn as if I didn't exist. It pained me to see him so happy and unaffected whatsoever.

"How could he just laugh like nothing happened!?" My thoughts cane harsh, forgetting My Grandmother could hear everything that I was thinking.

"Child you think wrongful ideas, don't judge by his appearance. He masks his hurt witth smiles."
She replied, scaring me slightly as I had forgotten she was still speaking to me.

"What do mean?" I peered on in question.

"I will no longer interfere, dear one. It is who who has to decided weather or not to stopping hiding from the truth. Seek what is already infront of you." She spoke aloud but not to loud so everyone could hear and placed a comforting hand on mine, giving me the same smile my mother had given me once a very long ago.

She left me to think about it. Him. Seek legolas? He was like a puzzle with a missing piece. I wtched him agian, sneaking small glances and not once had he done the same. Probably never cared anyways.


As dinner carried on faster then it appeared, music begun to play and desert had been brought out.

It were all women who brought the light cakes out. They hair laid long on there backs, so silky and all the color of platinum blonde, while the wore satin white dresses. They were all so beautiful, most likely our servers to make all the men in the Fellowship more upbeat except me, for I had never felt so hateful and jealous of anyone here before, on my past visits to Lothlorien.

It only just struck me when the same girl who had served food to Legolas caught my eye. He stared at her with nothing but love and of course she made pitiful gestures as she stared back at him in awe of his handsome beauty. It wasnt real love just the same look every girl gives when she comes across the prince. I mean he was the prince that every girl wants to marry. Bachelor of the year.

She occasionally, purposely bumped into his chair, catching his attention, laughing it off and when giving him the meal, her had made every effort to graze his on "accident".

And afterall there little communication of apologies, legolas had finally spoke pulling her attention back to the table.

I couldn't hear what he was saying to her as our table grew louder with laughs, but the conversation seemed to just continue with out any pause. She held her gaze intently not once get a word in until her swooned her hand up, pressing a chaste kiss against it and then she was sent away.

I gasped lightly, my heart crying out with envy, and wished to cry, but who was he to even deserve that reaction?

I could play the same game.

Borimer seated right next to me ate his meal in silence, listening along to Gimili tell tales and I took my chance caring less of his feelings. Use him to get my way, It was a complete crappy thing to do and yes I felt a bit guilty, but the vengeance was eating me alive.

"Borimer, I hadn't barely spoken to you." I said aloud, and he was quick to avert his attention on me.

His smile was actually for once kind and so were his eyes, no unpleasant feelings at all.

"No I don't believe we had, though there were times were it seem... ?"

"Tense? Like I wanted to take my sword and stab you in the back?" I questioned finishing exactly what he was thinking.

He gave a genuine laugh. "Exactly!"

My laugh came light aswell, catching the attention of Aragorn and the others for a second. It was the first in a while, they heard me laugh.

But legolas still didn't give a passing glance. But more so he clenched his jaw, stabbing his fork into the dessert.

I needed to get his attention. So I continued on with Borimer.

"We got on the wrong foot." There was such hesitation I thought I would explode as I placed a hand on Borimers. "Would you mind, starting over?" It was as innocent as a bunny befriending a fox. But of course we all know what will happen.

His eyes changed and this had already backfired as he clearly took this the wrong way.

"I agree!" His other hand reached over upon mine locked it into a sandwich, making me the slightest uncomfortable. "Starting over with a lady like you, could be the flower that depoisens my heart."

I then gave out a laugh, loud, but fake, so nervously fake it had finally made Legolas look over and seethe along with Aragorn who shook his head as if telling me to stop. Not for the reason that it would hurt Legolas but more so fall bad on my part.

"If you are trying to make him jealous, (y/n) do not. It will only further hurt you in the future." My grandmother spoke to late and I inwardly rolled my eyes and ignore her.

"Yes! That sounds absolute."

"Good." He pulled away with a proud smile. "It is pleasing to bond with eachother. Have trust, allies." He then raised his glass of wine, still looking me in the eye announcing for all to hear. "To the friends and love ones we make along the way!"

The cluesless hobbits followed suit, raising there glasses and so did Gimili and a hesitant Aragorn besides for Legolas. His eyes sent daggers Borimers way, making me feel so accomplished.


Authors note:

Thank you so much for all your support and also I want to apologize that this took so long to publish

I hope you all love it!

I kinda got busy reading my cousins book she published called Lotogettar, it's available on Amazon and the barnes and nobles website!




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