Chapter three

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It was now time to leave and me and my family bid our ferwells and supplyed us with a months worth of lembas bread.I had worn pants and a green tunic with a leather bag, slightly missing my long beautiful silk dresses.

We left with frodo leading us, though he didn't quite know the way so Gandalf would tell him. We have hiked through the woods and hills for two days. The only people who i had been talking with were, the hobbits, Gandalf, Arogorn and gimli. Yes he was a dwarf but i never had a promise with them like the rest of my kin.

The only ones i havent spoken with were boromir, because all he seemed to do was creep me out and eye me up and down. He had tried to flirt with me on many occasions but i would just ignore him.

And Legolas. He seemed to be ignoring me. If i went to speak to him he would turn away and talk to Arogorn or if i even looked at him and we made eye contact he would look away. He was making a big deal out of nothing!

It not only hurt my feelings but my heart. Why? Because i loved him. But that clearly didnt matter anyways. It was shown that he didn't love me. The past two nights i silently cried myself to sleep and had barely ate because of it.

Now in the present we were all taking a break. I sat on a rock and staired off in the distance but soon focused on boromir who was teaching the hobbits how to fight.

"Ow!" Pippen let out a hiss off pain. I almost felt like beating boromir up for hurting the poor hobbit, even if it weren't on purpose, but stayed in my seat as him and merry attacked him knocking him to the ground.

The sound of Gandalf and gimli bickering soon reached my ears. Gimili kept insisting that we go through moria but Gandalf would always turn it down. I understood why. Poor gimili.

"What is that?" Frodo suddenly asked turning everyone's attention to see what he was talking about.

In the sky high above was a black cloud moving fast. It seemed familar like something i have read in a book, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Its nothing. Just a wisp of clouds." Boromir said

"It's moving fast against the winds." Says Arogorn.And then I remembered. Sarumans pet spys

Legolas gasped and shouted. "Crebain from dunland!"

"Hide!" Arogorn shouted.

I stood to my feet in a panic and looked around for any near by hiding spots but before I could make another move and arm wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled me underneath a bush. Everyone held there breath as the birds flew straight over squawking loudly. They were soon gone and everyone cautiously came out from hiding.

Though I froze as warm breath hit the back on my neck and I could smell apple and wood. Looking down I realized it was Legolas who had pulled me out of sight and his arm was still secured tightly around my waist.

He pulled me up from the bush and now we stood close to each other gazing into eachothers eyes.

"I thought you said you wouldn't save me." I spoke up breaking the silence.

His look turned sour. Little bitch. "This was merely saving you. You didn't even move." He said and let go from my waist moving away from me and over to speak with Gandalf.

I frowned and turned away biting my lip as tears welled up in my eyes.

A gentle hand was placed on my sholder.

"Y/n. Are you alright?" Arogorn asked

"No.. he's hurting me."


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