Chapter two

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Later that evening i went back to my room and started packing for tomorrow morning. The door slowly opened to reveal Arwen. She looked sad.

"Why didnt you listen to me. Do you have to go?"

"I'm sorry... i just- i needed this. I need to get out of here and see the world." I replied

Arwen nodded in understandment and pulled me into a hug.

"Promise you will be safe?"

"I promise."

"And promise by the end of this journey you and Legolas will be together."

I blushed rolling my eyes watching a smirk form on her lips.

"Yeah yeah. Promise."


Later that night i had met up with my father. He had told me to be safe and that if this journey got to dangerous i would have to turn straight around and come back home.

And now i was walking down a pathway were the moonlight leaked in past the large pillers leading to a small pond. I sat down beside it and swirled my finger in the clear water.

It was silent for a few seconds until footsteps were heard approaching and the smooth silky voice of the famous elven prince was heard.

"You know I couldn't tell what hurt worse. You joining the fellowship or walking in on you and my father-"

"Do not continue." I said turning to face him

He stopped right away and sat down next to me looking down into the clear water. It was quiet until I decided to speak up again.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked hoping the answer was no.

"No. Why do you ask?"

I felt a slight releaf and continued, "i just figure you were when I decided to join the fellowship."

His facade changed no longer calm, almost like a defensive one.

"Yes actually i am."

Is it a yes or no? Make up your mind.

"Why." I asked growing annoyed.

"Because your going to get yourself hurt!" He explained, running his fingers through his long blonde hair.

I scoffed and stood up him following in suit practically towering over me.

"What makes you think thats going to happen!" I defended

"60 years ago you almost got yourself raped and killed!" He rose his voice with each word he spoke.

"The past was in the past! It is the precence now and i am more then capable of taking care of myself. I am going weather you like it or not." I yelled back, slightly offended by his words and went to leave before he stopped me catching my arm.

"Very well. Dont expect me to save you when an orc comes charging your way."

Ouch. Why this new additude all of a sudden. I glared at him and ripped my arm from his grip stomping off to my room.

I felt angry tears brim In the corner of my eyes. I didnt want to start this journey off being in an argument with Legolas.


The lord of the rings Legolas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now