Chapter six

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Many stairs we walked up and made it to Galadrial and Celeborn. We stood and bowed as the walked down from there throne. They wore clothes that made them look as if they produced there own light.

"The enemy knows you entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone." Celeborn said and examined our group. "Nine that are here, yet ten were set out from Riverendale. Tell me were is Gandalf. For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar." Celeborn said

Galadrial searched for an answer looking deeply into our eyes and spoke up.

"Gandalf the grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow."

My grandmother's face went pale with shock. I lnew what such amazing friends her and Gandalf were and how upset this would make her.

The fellowship all stayed quiet up until Legolas looked up and spoke.

"He was taken by both shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgorh. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria."

At this Gimili looked down, I could tell that made him feel bad and guilty that if he hadn't been so persistent about giing through the mines Gandalf wouldn't have been dead.

I put a comforting hand on his sholder to almost say that it was fine and not his fault and he gave me a soft smile.

Turning my attention back to the conversation Galadrial began to speak to all but as she did her voice spoke through my mind.

"My dear, it has been a while. I am glad your father allowed you to go on this journey for it was ment to happen."

"I am glad to, grandmother. Thank you for your hospitality for the fellowship."

"It is my duty. You and Legolas are together finally I see and what of his father?" She smiled at me and my face dropped in fear.

"You knew?"

"Of course I did. I know everything." She said.

I laughed softly and from the corner of my eye I could see Legolas looking at me weird.

"He loved you... " she said once more through my head which made my looked sadden.

"They both love you. I forsee you and Legolas to have a bright future ahead."

My frown turned back into a smile and then I remembered something.

"Grandmother, Ive been having dreams and—"

"I know... but for now rest and we shall speak later, but I also must warn you of something."

I frowned. "Whats wrong?"

And just before she could tell me we were being guided by maids to rooms. I looked back at my grandmother one last time. The look on her face had me worried. She could see into the future which had me thinking back to my dreams. What if she knew about them? I made note to ask her later and continued off.

We were all brought to our own, neighboring separate rooms which were built into the large surrounding trees.

Authors note: i just reread this and realized that it wasn't quite finished lmaooo so i fixed it

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