Chapter eleven

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Our departure from Lothlorien was among us and we were off on the shoreline hidden in the tree. There was sadness in the air as my grandmother brought my hands in hers.

"Dear child. I gift you with ability to love and forgive." Her voice whispered through my head.

Her words made me cower. Of course she knew what was going on between me and Legolas and moved onto the rest of the fellowship, gifting them with new items.

Legolas got a new bow, he admired that thing more then me. Frodo was gifted frodo a small glass bottle, which I know to be a natural light when opened. Gimli was gifted three locks of her golden hair to which he was so honored and cherished it. Aragorn was gifted a dagger and Boromir was gifted words of wisdom. "Do not fade under the weakness of the one ring. For it will be your downfall." Of course she didn't say it aloud but made sure I had also heard, for a strange reason unkown.

So know we all drifted in canoes down the river. I was in one with Boromir and thw four Hobbits while Legolas was seated in the other with Gimili and Aragorn, drifting besides us.

The silence was peaceful unlike the other silents moments amongst the ground during the journey which had been one of sorrow and fear. It was all besides for Aragorn and Legolas who were tense.

I often noticed Legolas glance over to and seethe every time Boromir sent me a smile, while he took charge of rowing. That elf was strating to put a dour on eveyone's mood. Mine at least. He just could not relax.


We had been rowing in these boats for what felt like hours and my head was starting to hurt, for the reason being as I had hust been sitting there completely still, while stairing off into the water. I wanted to do something keep my mind occupied.

"Boromir..." I begun. "Could I perhaps take a hold of the rowing for a while? You have been doing this whole time and I couldn't help but feel bad that I'm just sitting here. If you would allow me to—"

He cut me off. "My lady, I couldn't allow you to do so. It's nothing a women should bother to do, you would only injure yourself."

I sat there with my mouth hung open and just about had it. The hobbits had by now looked on in confusion.

"All us hobbits share our duties, especially my Rosie back home, so I don't see why she can not." Sam confidently announced.

"Thank you sam." I smiled pleasantly at him.

To which had irritated Boromir and by now the conversation drifted over to the other boat.

"But your hobbits... a much different culture from ours. For (y/n) is a fair lady... not meant to hold a sword or be bothered to do a man's job and more so be there for a sense of release after a hard's day at work."

I scoffed, my voice coming sharp. "You men all think the same don't you?" I stood to my feet ignoring how the boat wobbled.

"(Y/n) that isn't the best Idea, you might want to sit down." Aragorn called over and I only waved him off continuing my rant.

"I came along on this journey and shall perform my utmost dury of responsibilities, and all you can think is that, since I am  a woman, I shouldn't bother to lift a finger?"

It was then silent and the hobbits smiled in agreement as I stood over Boromir with my arms crossed. He pondered a moment then smirked up a me, beginning to hand over the oar, "Well since you asked politely."

I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic tone but nonetheless felt satisfied and closed in on the oar which had been the biggest mistake. He yanked it away in cause of me to loose my balance and topple over the side of the boat into the cold water.

Once I resurfaced, my name had been called about several times and shocked emitted. I took shallow breaths as half my hair covered my face and looked around fuming with anger and embarrassment. How dare he! He definitely did that on purpose.

I saw Boromir from where I floated, seeing the stupid feign of surprise on his face. The hobbits were also quite upset, hurrying to the side of the boat asking if I was fine, to which I only nodded.

"(Y/n)... I apologize I didn't think you would fall in. Let me help you back in." He reached out his hand to me but I only turned away, looking to the other boat where Legolas was. There was know way I was going to go back with Boromir.

And I swam over to the others, gripping onto the side, completely helpless and looked up at the three.

"(Y/n)..." Aragorn gave me a guilty healing smile. "We don't have room..."

I stayed resilient and shook my head. "I am not going back in that man's boat. I'd rather then just hang off the side here, till we make it to land."

He shook his head "You'll get sick—"

"There's room, she can sit with me." Legolas had interrupted shortly to my pleasure snd he held a hand out to me. I couldn't stay mad at him forever and felt myself leaning back into his alluring pull.

And he was right, there was room. A small gap that would leave me laying up against his chest.

"But you're going to get all wet."

He only chuckled and abruptly pulled me down against him. "I don't mind."

It was quite from then on as I leaned into Legolas and veryone seemingly moved on from the "accident". I shivered slightly, my cape, completely soaked making me ten times colder.

"Here, allow me." Legolas took off my cape and bundled it up, resting it down by his feet, then wrapped his own cape around me, swaddling us both.

"Thank you." I whispered, becoming tired.

His arms came around me protectively. "Im sorry I let that happen to you."

"Don't blame yourself. It is fully on that man, he's a fool and so am I." My eyes drifted in and out. It had only been the hold, legolas had on me that gave me comfort and relief.

No more was said as we silently agreed, together all watching the sun slowly dip behind the trees as we all floated there in our boats. I often caught Boromir's gaze from across the ways. There was a mixture of disappointment and envy.

I was really trying to forgive Boromir but it as hard. I wanted him to be a nice man and a friend. But there wasn't hope... what if my grandmother was right, the ring was getting to him and he would soon be far to gone.

What could this ring do to me, Legolas, Gimili or Aragorn? I prayed to never find out. The burden that poor Mr. Frodo was carrying made me feel awful for him.

Why was I even here? This dread came over me but I refused to give in to the guilt of joining and only wanted nothing more then to save the relationship me and Legolas have.

Authors note:

I apologize for this taking to long, I'm trying to get it all out but over time it will be done, also I have decided to take of the mature label, because overall it just feels to wrong to sexualize this dude. I'll just go to a certain extent and have you all imagine the rest.

Thank you for your patience.


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