Chapter 10

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Legolas POV

I couldn't fathom the pain surrounding my heart as I took this break from (y/n). I thought it would help but it wasn't. Seeing her speak to Borimer like she had been attracted to him quite irritated me. It was obvious she was only doing so to make me jealous and it was working.

But that had only been due to the fact I really couldn't tell if she was being truthful or not and it was not a friendly gaze that Orc of a man had on her either. His look was of desperation and desire.

Though I put some blame on myself. I shouldn't have been overly friendly with the beautiful elf servent named, Galilidra.

Did she think I was flirting with her? Was she possibly just as jealous as I?

Everyone soon finished there dessert, except for me. I had barely touch the small powdered cake to distracted by the bonding going between them and I sat tense.

I felt slightly guilty. I got upset with her when it wasn't my place to. Bringing up my father like she had betrayed my love when she really hadn't confessed her feelings for me before.

Glancing over at the four hobbits, smiling and laughing together, made me envious. They were care free and there hearts laid with innocence. I thrive to be like them, never having to hide my true emotions or have a single worry.


(Y/n) POV

Our long dinner had finished and I was quick to leave fast before Borimer could continue his flirtatious banter.

On my way out I caught a glimpse of my Grandmother giving the look that said it all. I know where my mistake lies but also know I have full control over it.

Borimer was nothing but a mere stupid man, who only acts and doesn't think, I on the other hand am an elf. He wouldn't think twice to be so brash.


Authors note,

Sorry this is so short, but hope you enjoyed!


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