Chapter seven

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I stayed in my room for a while and cleaned up in the bath. Once I was done I put on the lavish silken white dress that the maid left for me and left my room.

The fellowship was all out and together in the area our rooms were. Aragorn was against a tree cleaning and sharpening his sword. Boromir qas next to him, who sent me a look that made me shiver in great discomfort. I looked away and saw the hobbits and Gimli all conversing. But Legolas was no where in sight.

Figuring he was in his room I walked over and swung the door open closing it behind me ignoring the childish grin on Aragorns face.

As I wandered into his cold room, he was no where to be seen.

"Legolas!" I called out for him.

"Yes, mellteh?" He appeared coming from the bath with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair completely dry, looking like a sheet of blonde silk.

A red hue made its way across my cheeks and I turned around. "Sorry. I thought you would be dressed."

"(Y/n). You don't have to look away. Dont act as if you haven't seen me like this before." He said

"Yes... I saw more then I intended last time." I smiled to myself.

Legolas walked forward now standing behind me. I could feel his breath hit the back of my neck as he moved my hair a aside, whispering in my ear.

"You no longer have to look away." He said and gently kissed my neck.

Biting my lip I turned to face him. He looked down at me with a sly grin. I glanced into his eyes real quick and then allowed my gaze to slide down his chest all the way to his V-line where the towel hung tightly around his waist.

Slowly he hooked his finger under my chin lifting my head back up to look at him. No words were spoken between us and he pressed his lips against mine.

He pulled away for a second and looked deep into my eyes.

"Meleth, will you promise me something?"

I smiled softly and pressed my hand against his chest and nodded.

"Promise me, you will be safe on this journey... your grandmother, her voice was in my head, telling me that I must protect you from the man who only seeks desire in this fellowship."

I frowned. "Are you saying someone amongst us is an enemy."

"I truly dont know... but I fear It might be Boromir. I know it's him! The way he looks at you just doesn't sit right—"

I stopped him right there as he began to worry more. "Legolas, those are such huge accusations...—"

"True accusations!" He defended.

I rolled my eyes at the look on jealousy in his. "If he dare try's something, I can defend myself. Don't worry yourself ok?" I spoke firmly and grabbed his cold hands.

There then I saw a look in his eyes. It was sad and hesitant before he spoke out. "I... I love you."


The lord of the rings Legolas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now