Chapter eight

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I love you

The words of which he spoken to me made my heart lift. And I was quick to say it right back but... it didn't feel right when he said it. He looked scared or something, like he was gonna get hurt.

Of course! I was so stupid I should've assured him but I hadn't. I should've promised him I wouldn't break his heart again. Again yes. But that's a story for another time where I had
Acquainted the oddest group of friends and an even more powerful story then this one.

Anyways. After me and Legolas spoken I left him to his thoughts and came out to greet the fellowship with a silent nod. They were still mourning as was I. The only thing heard was the singing of eleves. So delicate and beautiful.

"A lamet for Gandalf." Legolas spoke softly stairing up into the trees in a state of peace.

After what was a while the elf finally appeared and not once had he glanced my way and looked very deep in a depressed thought.

I sighed and leaned myself against a tree wondering what was up with him and watched the others.

The hobbits were in a sad daze which made my heart ache and near Gimli was already half asleep. Boromir was slightly father away from the group gazing out at nothing and Aragorn was with his sword, cleaning it off.

"What do they say about him?" Asked Merry.

Legolas looked down showing no emotion. "I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the greif is still to near."

I sent merry a sad smile and replaced myself from the tree to Legolas's side place a hand on his shoulder.

For a second he tensed and looked down at me but no smile evident. There was a soft flash in his eyes as he staired into mine and it was like he had a sudden change of heart.

He stepped away from me and my hand dropped to my side. I refused to show how much that shattered my heart. Was he really gonna start this whole "ignoring game" again!? After he told me he loved me. We were doing so find what was making him act so scared of me so suddenly?

I noticed something for the first time. So small and in the corner of his eye glistening, was a tear.

"Legolas? What have I—"

"I'm to naive." He muttered sadly and ran off in the other direction away from the fellowship.

My mouth dropped at his abruptness. Why such a sudden mood change like that? One second not to long ago he told me how much he loved me... and now he was running away.

Aragorn gave me a questioning look while most didn't care to notice and in there own world. I shrugged his way and immediately took my leave of the group following after Legolas.

"Legolas! Wait up please!"

He ignored my plees and fasted his pace. Eventually we had wondered far enough from the group when he finally stopped. His back faced me and he made no remarks, just stairing of into space.

I sighed and stayed a distance away from him and softly spoke.

"Legolas... whatever this is about, I want you to know that this, what we have, is real."

I could hear his loud sigh as he turned to now face me, eyes glassed over and looking completely sad. It hurt to see him that way and it hurt even more hearing what he had to say next.

"You broke my heart once... I dont think I can handle it again." He whispered with a slight waver in his voice.

My mouth fell a gap and I felt horrible. I was so horrible to him long ago feeling a repeat of everything. But there was also a rise of anger. How could he say if was all my fault? I mean he never told me of his feelings. Well, more so showed them, which I stubbornly ignored.

"You can not pit this all on me I never meant to hurt you. You seemed so inlove with Tauriel and I was... " I slowly lowered my words as I couldn't finish what I was about to say and Legolas fished for me.

"In love with my father." He looked down and a quietness made game between us before he locked eyes with me and asked.

"Do you still love him."

I shook my head and told him. "No." He looked so relieved at that. But that what I said was a lie. I still had a small spot in my heart for Thranduil but for legolas my heart thrived more.

It was hard to just throw away feelings. Thats the thing about us elves. Once we fall in love, it never fades away. But just my luck, I had fallen for both the King and the Prince.

"My feelings lie with you know." I said softly, placing a hand over my heart.

"And mine yours but... can I trust that."

His words hurt. He didn't trust me after everything; after having me poor out my heart to him and he belived none of it! I geuss that was my fault...

And just like that a tear escaped from my eye and what I said next would be the best for us.

"Maybe were moving to fast."

My heart broke and I know his did to. He nearly scoffed in my face but held back his sorrow.

"Maybe.... Maybe your right." He looked away

I made my way up closer to him and placed a hand on his chest hoping he would look me in the eyes but he only closed them.

"Our love will win in the end. I give you that promise." I whispered

And if the hope finally sparked he leaned his head against mine and whispered back.

"I know."


Authors note:

So its been.... a while since I updated 😭 so sorry


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