2. Nosebleeds. New Friends. New boyfriend?

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"Ethan, are you even listening to me?" my best friend, Abigail (Abby) West, complained at me. Annoyance flared in her emerald green eyes.
Abby has freckles, bright red hair, and a kind smile, but she's got an attitude hidden behind that cute exterior. And apparently, it's directed at me at the moment.

"Yes. Of course, I'm listening to you," I lied as I turned away from my locker.

Abby dug her hand into her hip. "Oh yeah, then what did I just say?"

I desperately searched my brain for a fragment of what Abby was talking about, but I came up with nothing. I gave Abby a sheepish smile.

"See! You have no idea what I just said," she huffed.

"Uh, sorry. I guess I just spaced out for a sec." I leaned against my locker and loudly yawned.

She scrutinized me for a few seconds, then her eyes filled with concern. "You do look pretty--"

"Tired. I stayed up late last night studying," I interrupted. I sent her a look to drop it, and thankfully, she shrugged it off without interrogating me.

"Ashley Greene posted this Friday night about Jason." Abby held up her phone, showing me a picture of her boyfriend--Jason--and a girl on her cheerleading squad labeled Date night with the bf.

"What a jackass." I growled. I looked up from the phone and cautiously raised an eyebrow. "You okay? I know you guys dated for a while..."

She laughed and waved me off. "Oh please, I got over that asshole with a pack of thin mints and a Twilight book."

I was about to respond when I heard a laugh that made my stomach clench. My ex, Mackenzie Harrington, and her 2nd new boyfriend since we broke up a few weeks ago were standing directly across the hall. MacKenzie was laughing at something her new boy toy was saying.

Mackenzie and I dated for a little over 3 months, but we were friends long before that, and we recently broke up. Well, she broke up with me. For no obvious reason. At least she never told me the actual reason she dumped me. And I'm finding it to be easier said than done when it comes to getting over her.

Mackenzie must have felt my gaze on her, as she turned to look at me with a mischievous smile. She shoved her boyfriend up against a locker and started making out with him. Bitch...

Abby snapping at me brought my attention back to her. She rolled her eyes and said, "Fuck her, Eath. She's just doing that to piss you off."

"Fucking her would be nice..." I joked.

She laughed and patted my arm. "Only in your dreams, Eath."


"Class, we have a new student with us today. Give Mr. Malone here a warm welcome," Mr. Smith, our English Lit teacher, droned on.

The tall, dark-haired guy standing next to him smiled. "It's actually Leo," the new kid joked, which earned a laugh from most of the kids in the class--myself included.

Everyone said in a monotone voice, "Welcome to our school, Leo."

The new kid smiled widely at everyone, obviously basking in the attention.

Mr. Smith gained a bored expression as he said, "Well, Leo, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Sure, Mr. Smith. I'm Leo, as you already know. I turned eighteen recently, and I moved here a couple of weeks ago." His announcement caused a few more kids to laugh. He was funny, for sure.

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