19. Babe? Boyfriend??

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"I'll see you later mom," I said as Drew and I hopped out of mom's car.

"Yeah, see you later," Drew added.

She waved. "Bye, I love you guys!"

Mom left as Drew and I headed to school.

I intended on finding Leo before class so I could give him his clothes back. I wish I could say that they've been sitting in my backpack since our date on Friday but that was so not the case.
I've worn his shirt to bed almost every night since Leo let me borrow it, and I needed to get the damn thing out of my possession so I wouldn't keep wearing it.

"Damn, it's hot out," Drew complained after we entered Oakwood.

"Hot?" I retorted, purposefully glancing down at my black long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans (A.K.A the only kind of jeans I wear).

He glanced down at my outfit incredulously. "How the fuck are you not sweating? It's like eighty-five degrees outside."

I shrugged. "Get leukemia and you're cold all the time."

He grinned. "Thanks for the advice, but I'll pass." He waved at me as he headed upstairs.

I returned the wave and scanned the faces of everyone in the hallway, hoping to see Leo. I didn't see him down the main hallway running through the middle of the school, so I headed down a hallway branching off of it where my locker was, hoping his was in the same hall.

I saw Leo standing in front of a partially open locker, talking to a brown-haired girl.

"Hey, Leo," I awkwardly said, interrupting their conversation.

Leo looked over the girl's shoulder at me and his lips curled into a wide grin. "Hey Ethan," he replied as his eyes wandered down my body, causing a hot flush to follow his gaze.

Well, now I'm hot.

"Leo isn't going to introduce me to you, so apparently I'll introduce myself. I'm Ashlee," the brunette said sending a smile my way, then a glare at Leo.

I awkwardly waved at her. "It's nice to meet you, Ashlee. I'm Ethan--" I paused to lean in slightly, and I lowered my voice--"don't mind him. He has no manners." I sent a smirk at Leo.

He rolled his eyes at me over Ashlee's head. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Leo. Don't forget about Wednesday," she said, then walked away, hugging her book to her chest.

"What's on Wednesday, Leonard?"

He sighed when I said his full name, and I smiled.

He dropped a book in his bag, then closed his locker. "I joined the photography club. They meet on Wednesday and Fridays."

"That's cool." I awkwardly bit down on my lip and stared at the floor, wondering how I should give him his clothes back.

"You look cute today by the way. You're totally rocking the slightly gothic vibe," Leo murmured after a long pause.

I lifted my eyes to his, and he was staring at me with a lazy grin on his face. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was leaning his hip against the locker.

"Umm...thanks." I blushed and ran my fingers through my hair that I hadn't bothered with styling this morning.

"You do know it's supposed to be in the 90s later, right?" His lazy grin turned into a teasing grin.

"Yeah, I'm aware, but it has to be in the 100s before I'm hot. The whole leukemia thing kinda makes you cold a lot." A grin pulled at my lips as I felt myself relaxing.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now