31. The Finale

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A/N Okay, you guys, this is it!!
This is the last chapter of this book. It makes me sad to say, but I feel this is where Leo and Ethan's story ends. 😢 I'm gonna miss them, and I'm sure y'all will too, so they may show up in future books 🤫.
Ps. This chapter is adorable. That's all the info I'm giving you on it.
You'll have to read and find out...

Alrighty, little loves, enjoy the last chapter!! 😘

"How's my favorite patient doing?" my nurse Linda asked, as she has every day for the past few weeks.

I pushed away from Leo, knowing she would need to give me my daily dose of medicine through my port. "I'm fine," I mumbled around a yawn.

"Oh, come on, where's the enthusiasm?" She slid a pair of rubber gloves on and grabbed her syringe full of medicine.

"Because you woke me up from my nap," I grumbled.

Leo chuckled and rubbed my back. "Poor baby," he murmured in my ear before placing a kiss on it.

I glared at him as Linda came over with a full syringe, and an empty one. Great, I forgot it's Friday, which means it's also blood test day.

"You know," Linda murmured as she attached the syringe to the line coming out of my port. "You should be happy I woke you up from your nap." She then glanced at Leo with a strangely sly look in her eyes.

"Why..?" I glanced from her to Leo, confused as to why they both looked extremely smug.

"What the hell is up with you two?" I demanded, suddenly wide awake.

Leo shrugged and attempted to hide his smug expression. "Nothing..."

Linda didn't offer a response as she gave me my medicine.

"Leo..." I warned. "What are you plotting?"

He shrugged again and stood up from the couch. "It's a surprise."

"Why do you always have to torture me with surprises?" I was both interested and annoyed.

"Because it's fun." He grinned and got up. "And you might want to get dressed up," he added on his way into the kitchen.

"What the hell is he planning?" I murmured to Linda, hoping she would rat him out.

She shook her head. "Don't be asking me behind his back. I'm not offering up any information."

Damn. I guess I better get changed then.


After I put on a button-down and jeans, Leo tugged me into his car. Then after about ten minutes of driving, he demanded I put a blindfold on before Leo parked in some mysterious location and pulled me and my wheelchair out of the car.
Now, I've been blindly riding in my chair while Leo pushes me to whatever this mysterious location is.

"Leo, are we almost there?"

Leo chuckled behind me. His leisure pace accelerated slightly. "Yes, we're almost there."

"You've said that for the past ten minutes." I reached up and attempted to yank the blindfold Leo made me wear off.

I managed to yank it off long enough to get a glimpse of a white wall before Leo slapped his hand over my eyes. "Not yet!" He yanked the itchy material back over my eyes.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Can you at least give me hint?"

Leo chuckled bwhind me. "You'll find out soon enough."

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